Can you make your life feel New again?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling in flow with the upcoming eclipse, and are consciously preparing for the options and opportunities presenting!

When meditating on the message for this week, I heard "I am making all things New". And I started to wonder what that would entail...

We can often fear change, we are afraid of upsetting someone or something in our lives. We can avoid making a new choice because it challenges our sense of identity, or how we show up in the world. We stick with the things that cause us the most suffering because it is known. Or we continue with a habit that isn't wholly destructive, but also is not contributing to what we want to experience.

This is when we feel bored, stuck, stagnant, in a holding pattern.

We can dismiss a thought of newness even with the things that have been working for us, but could be moving into that realm of habitual. The meditation practice we started with a year ago is now feeling more like a chore. The daily...

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What would inspire you to take action today?

Over the past few weeks, I have held a lot of sessions and conversations around internal vs external action, and the difference in outcomes.

Many of us have been taking time 'out', or maybe more IN. There has been a lot of thinking through things, connecting with emotion, creating more awareness around motivations and expectations, and the connection between mind, heart, body. I know that a lot of answers have surfaced, 'aha moments' realised, and some settling and centering of energy. And it has been important to process through these and to bear witness to the internal resolution and healing that has been unfolding.

So what now? The temptation to continue to sit in the internal can pull us from active learning and healing into passive waiting or delay. And there is a fine line between conscious patience and planning, and avoidance of implementation of the learning.

As we move towards the Autumn months, we move towards the harvest, where we reap what we have sown over the past...

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What principles did you learn as a child that you can be guided by now?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope you're enjoying the final days of Libra Season, and are feeling the benefits of planets moving direct!  Keep allowing the Air element to revitalise and breathe life into new ideas!


Over the past week, the message I have been receiving intuitively is this:

Strip back, strip back, strip back.  Release complication and return to a simpler state...

The guidance has been to declutter physically, to detox the body (gently!), and to release any distractions or complications that are pulling us off track.


The moon is now in the energy of Aries, cardinal fire, the beginning of the zodiac.  As the 'youngest' of the signs, Aries energy is strong, fiery, and desires action, but can sometimes be immature, naive, too hasty, acting without consideration.  The key to working with Cardinal Fire is to re-ignite the purity of spirit within and follow the simplest path...


I heard Russel Brand say something a few...

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