Is your focus on I or WE?

Which Extreme is affecting your Alignment?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling centred and open as we reach the heart of the summer season!

Over the past few days, during my meditations, I have been shown over and over again the polarity of I => WE.

The Nodes of Destiny are now sitting in the Aries-Libra axis. Aries is our first introduction to ourselves as individuals, separate from our parents, fresh and new in the world. The purest idea of I AM. On the other side is Libra, which is totally relational, examining the dynamics between the self and the other, and what is co-created between the two.

The Sun and Moon today are opposing in a similar dynamic. The Sun in Leo brings us deep into the heart of you, representing the quality of the individual leader, standing in dignity, regal, and strong. The Moon is in Aquarius represents philanthropic and philosophical ideals, the well-being of community, the collective, and our part in a larger picture and story.


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How a masculine practice can strengthen the feminine

And how one extreme can show the way to harmony…

I have always been more comfortable in extremes. Extremes are much clearer than ‘middle ground’. When you feel really angry, you know it. If you just feel a little irritated, uninterested, meh, there is less clarity on how you feel and why. A few years ago, I began to look into extremes, and how I could use them to find harmony. And I found that experiencing one extreme can show you the other side of the coin…

Early last year, I set the intention to find my flow in the feminine. Even as a woman, I often feel more comfortable in my masculine aspects. But I wanted to find more harmony between the two, and so I started to look for ways to soften, and embrace both. But I did not have much luck as I struggled to find something that would support the two.

In October, I found myself signing up for a Crossfit class. For those of you who know a bit about Crossfit, you will know that it is not the most feminine of...

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