Can you feel negative emotions without Suffering?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are navigating the end of eclipse season with lots of grace and love!  We are in a powerful portal, leading up to the Solstice on the 21st.  If you are feeling stagnant, it is time to shake yourself up!  If you are feeling lost, it is time to come back home, back to heart and soul.


In the Northern Hemisphere, we are navigating the end of Autumn, harvesting gifts and lessons, integrating the experiences we have lived since Spring, and receiving all that we can, in order to embody the wisdom that has been offered.  

From the 21st, we begin the descent into Winter, and into the depths of ourselves.  We turn our focus inward, to recognise the significance of our conversations, decisions, karma, and the courses of action taken.  It is a time for reckoning, healing, and resolution.

As we move into Winter, end of the astrological year, it can bring up strong views on the word Death, on endings, and on...

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What are you creating to gain permission?

(i.e. What do your negative emotions give you permission to do?)

I am often asked about the point of negative experiences, feelings, perspectives, and why we go through them.
There is a positive to EVERY perceived negative in existence.

If we are here to experience, learn, evolve, we can do this in an infinite number of ways.
And we are often motivated through extremes, especially when a situation brings us into discomfort, pain, and especially suffering.

We often hear stories about addicts hitting rock bottom, of partners within abusive relationships finally having had enough. People reach breaking point, and finally have the conversation that could have been spoken years ago. They become so unhealthy, physically or mentally, that the pain motivates them to choose change.
On some level, we can often believe that we have to get to the worst point in order to be motivated enough to take a new step.

Those moments when we feel hormonal, enraged, or indignant, often push us to act. But are...

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