Hello beautiful beings, I hope you're having a wonderful start to our new calendar year! There is a lot of debate over when our new year should truly be held, as energetically, 1 January doesn't always naturally hold a feeling of clean slate or new beginnings. We have assigned that ourselves. So I am not going to tell you to set resolutions, or to create grand goals that you may not stick to. I'm going to ask you to go deeper.
At this time of year, we often seek goals or ideas outside of ourselves. We are inundated with tips and hacks, online and all around us. It isn't necessarily a bad thing- joining a gym now if you truly want to join could be perfect! But often these purchases and commitments are motivated by something that we do not truly feel within. And if we are unable to align with a goal, the chances of success drop rapidly over time.
So instead of looking at this week as week 1, look at it as week 12, or 24, or 40. We are in Capricorn season, which inspires us...
How do you build a healthy relationship, part 2
Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are navigating the beginning of eclipse season with grace! This Aries eclipse is a personal one, that may be working through your energy field, helping you to address your perception of yourself, to remember who you came here to be. (You're welcome to join us online 19 April to heal and evolve with the Aries Eclipse)
Today's newsletter is the second of three, addressing the relationships we create with ourselves and the world around us. (Review last week's blog here)
And today, I want to address the ways you want to feel...
We know that the way we feel has a profound effect on the way we perceive life, and our quality of experience. When we feel hurt, pain, shame, fear, it motivates us to act. But as we know, we can choose words and actions that do not align with integrity or respect when we come from a place of hurt.
Our 'negative' feelings are so important, because they let...
I am often asked about the point of negative experiences, feelings, perspectives, and why we go through them.
There is a positive to EVERY perceived negative in existence.
If we are here to experience, learn, evolve, we can do this in an infinite number of ways.
And we are often motivated through extremes, especially when a situation brings us into discomfort, pain, and especially suffering.
We often hear stories about addicts hitting rock bottom, of partners within abusive relationships finally having had enough. People reach breaking point, and finally have the conversation that could have been spoken years ago. They become so unhealthy, physically or mentally, that the pain motivates them to choose change.
On some level, we can often believe that we have to get to the worst point in order to be motivated enough to take a new step.
Those moments when we feel hormonal, enraged, or indignant, often push us to act. But are...
Our emotions are powerful guides, when we listen…
We often feel more willing or able to follow our joy, our bliss, our peace. But what are our other emotions, our more negative feelings, trying to tell us?
Anger is one that most of us tend to avoid. We are afraid of it. We are afraid of how other act, speak, behave when angry. We are afraid of what we ourselves will say or do out of anger.
This is often after we have left the anger to grow, fester, burn, and rage within.
What if you could notice the anger when it is subtle, small, a whisper… What positive advice could it give?
For many of us, we feel angry when disrespected or dismissed. We feel angry when we witness injustice, abuse, neglect. We become angry when our boundaries are crossed, when we are challenged.
What if, instead of becoming angry, you chose to act?
What if you chose to change an aspect of your life, your behavior, your outlook, your perspective. What if you could hear the small voice, showing...
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