What is beginning to bloom inside of you? 

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying the eclipse energy, and feeling grounded by Taurus season! 

Because we are between eclipses, I have been doing a lot of healing and meditating on what is evolving within me now, and ways that I am being prepared for the next 6 months and beyond. 

The image/message I keep receiving is on expansion of energy, and allowing it to  move beyond my own contained space, and into the further collective, and our evolution within humanity.

Pluto is now in Aquarius, which connects us with the wider world, and changes that shape a generation. This pulls us out of our smaller issues, and shines light on the collective, so that we are able to heal, not only for ourselves, but also for the wider world, the planet, and everything on this earth. 

I've been shown the growth of flowers and trees over time, and how nature builds, not from reaction and pain, but from a place of higher intelligence and understanding. And we can grow and bloom as a flower does. There can be delicacy, patience, opening, colour, texture, symmetry, an inclusion of all of the planes, working together to shape us for our greater good.

When we expand out beyond our old hurts and pains, we are better able to witness a higher order, a bigger plan to our own evolution as it connects with the collective. And as we heal our own pain, we show up in new ways, with better understanding, and a clearer picture of the path ahead. We rewire our minds and move our energy into new possibilities and paradigms, as we transcend the outdated patterns and ways that have created the suffering.

So I would encourage you over the next few weeks to look up and out, to be inspired by what is blooming around you and within. The awakenings that are occurring within you will guide you into your new paradigm, so that you can bloom as an awakened being, that can embody and live these changes in your daily life.

The challenge is to catch yourself when you are tempted to follow old patterns and reactions, so that you can choose a new response, and expand into a higher way of living.

Take some time to meditate on the following:

  • Which habits, thoughts, behaviours keep me small, constricted, tight? And how can I be alerted to this, and change the response?
  • Which practices allow me to expand into the fullness of me? When do I feel most complete, fulfilled, energised?
  • Which areas of my life feel the most healthy, the clearest and most graceful? How can I start to introduce this into the areas that feel less expansive?
  • What inspires me to evolve into a higher version of myself? How can I embody this so that it is my reality?

Remember that there is inspiration all around, and that you can learn from the world in small but powerful ways. And when you find that inspiration to awaken, the path looks clearer, the way more graceful, the love more pure.


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