What is beginning to bloom inside of you? 

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying the eclipse energy, and feeling grounded by Taurus season! 

Because we are between eclipses, I have been doing a lot of healing and meditating on what is evolving within me now, and ways that I am being prepared for the next 6 months and beyond. 

The image/message I keep receiving is on expansion of energy, and allowing it to  move beyond my own contained space, and into the further collective, and our evolution within humanity.

Pluto is now in Aquarius, which connects us with the wider world, and changes that shape a generation. This pulls us out of our smaller issues, and shines light on the collective, so that we are able to heal, not only for ourselves, but also for the wider world, the planet, and everything on this earth. 

I've been shown the growth of flowers and trees over time, and how nature builds, not from reaction and pain, but from a place of higher intelligence and understanding. And we can grow...

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Are you Adding, when you could Grow Exponentially?

Are you trying to simply Cause an Effect, when you could Revolusionise your World?

We look for ways to add to our lives, when we could be multiplying, growing exponentially in power, influence, grace, glory.

We focus on subtracting infinitesimal barriers and blocks, making minute adjustments.

But we could refine ALL that stands in the way of our gifts, our calling.


You may believe that you are healing, but are you simply creating temporary relief, just enough to get by, just enough to survive?

Are you fooling yourself into remaining in survival, when you could actually make it possible to thrive?


We feel more comfortable changing in small increments, tiny steps, small thinking, only focusing on what we feel we are capable of changing, one bit at a time. We make a small adjustment with consumption, a little change with our buying habits, tiny changes in our ways of thinking or seeing, which create a finite and limited impact. You plant a small seed in depleted soil,...

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