Are you pushing for something that isn't for you?

Hello beautiful beings! I hope that you are enjoying the end of Summer and Virgo Season, and are feeling inspired to enter into Autumn and Libra Season! The energy this week has had some movement to it, and I can feel the flow from one season to another.

Over the weekend, I was talking to some students about how grateful I was that some of the things I wished for, planned for, asked for, never manifested. There were things within my career that I thought I wanted, but did not fully align with my deeper desires. Hindsight makes it easier to recognise our blindspots and assumptions, and I can clearly see where I was not clearly seeing, at the time.

And yesterday, I was listening to a podcast with Ethan Hawke, who quoted, "Lord protect me from what I want". (It looks as though the great Pablo Picasso stated this). And it took me down the rabbit hole of unfulfilled wishes, and the blessings that follow when we do not receive what we push for.

We can invest and expend...

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