Hello beautiful beings! I hope that you are enjoying the end of Summer and Virgo Season, and are feeling inspired to enter into Autumn and Libra Season! The energy this week has had some movement to it, and I can feel the flow from one season to another.
Over the weekend, I was talking to some students about how grateful I was that some of the things I wished for, planned for, asked for, never manifested. There were things within my career that I thought I wanted, but did not fully align with my deeper desires. Hindsight makes it easier to recognise our blindspots and assumptions, and I can clearly see where I was not clearly seeing, at the time.
And yesterday, I was listening to a podcast with Ethan Hawke, who quoted, "Lord protect me from what I want". (It looks as though the great Pablo Picasso stated this). And it took me down the rabbit hole of unfulfilled wishes, and the blessings that follow when we do not receive what we push for.
We can invest and expend...
Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying your final day of Winter, and feeling ready to step into Spring!
Over the years, I have witnessed clients and students create some pretty incredible changes in their bodies, minds, and lives. And while those grand shifts are inspiring and exciting to watch, they never happen without the implementation of some healthy boundaries, choices, practices, both before and after.
We already operate within so many cycles, rhythms, and patterns. We live with seasonal changes, growth and die off of the natural world, a dance with the elements around and within. And the more that we can tune into the cycles of life, the easier it becomes to navigate.
I have been holding online events over the past 5+ years, connecting with the cycles of the moon, Solstices, Equinoxes, Eclipses, because I know that when we tap into the bigger picture, we can ride the energetic waves, recognise when it is time to rest and reassess, and when to take a...
Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling more organised and flowing with a healthy rhythm at the end of Virgo Season!
Tomorrow, we enter into Libra Season, which brings focus to our relationships. And really, anything & everything within and around you could be addressed during this time. We relate to various aspects of the world in different ways, based on our perspectives, experiences, and memories. And if we want to change the relationship with something outside of us, we have to go within...
When I feel into the energy of the next month, I see lenses being adjusted, cleaned, removed. I see stories and dramas resolving and clarity giving new shape to perspective. I feel cravings lessening, and habits fading. I hear clear communication, discernment of expression...
And a shift in perception around Relationships in general- Instead of seeing them as difficult, confusing, overwhelming, what if it could be simpler?
What if we could surrender the obstacles and...
This week is a profound one, so I wanted to spend some time walking you through the energies at play, so that you can dance with them, instead of fight against them!
We spent the past 2 weeks with watery Neptune flooding us with emotion, intuition, dreams. Some of us have felt caught in storms, drowning, unable to breathe. All of this, along with the Full Moon in Pisces (which is ruled by Neptune) has really highlighted our relationship with the water element, and the ways it influences/enhances our lives.
For those of you ready to dry out, I have good news! On Wednesday we change seasons with the Equinox, and the Sun moves into Libra. Let's break this down a bit...
At the Equinox, day and night are of equal length, which reminds us that we are neither all dark nor all light. We are complex, layered, deep and interesting. And though we often try to make things appear 'black or white', to simplify or ease our minds, life is rarely that...
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