What happens when you lose touch with your Mission?

During the lockdowns, the disruption to social life, the massive changes we had to face, I was actually ok. Like many, I spent more time meditating, decorating my house, connecting with family and friends back home. I wanted to be out with friends, traveling, creating new experiences and memories, but I found that, for the most part, I could find other ways to explore (meditation, reading, writing, etc).

But what I did find truly difficult was the feeling that my work, my Purpose, had been derailed.

I'd spent years building momentum around my healing practice, crafting regular events for people in Scotland and around the world to join in. I'd put my heart and soul into structuring my time and energy so that everything was in flow. And life was pretty great!

Once that was disrupted, I still felt optimistic that I could just go back to the way things were, and that what had worked before would work again. 

It didn't.

The past few years have provided time and space for...

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Are you pushing for something that isn't for you?

Hello beautiful beings! I hope that you are enjoying the end of Summer and Virgo Season, and are feeling inspired to enter into Autumn and Libra Season! The energy this week has had some movement to it, and I can feel the flow from one season to another.

Over the weekend, I was talking to some students about how grateful I was that some of the things I wished for, planned for, asked for, never manifested. There were things within my career that I thought I wanted, but did not fully align with my deeper desires. Hindsight makes it easier to recognise our blindspots and assumptions, and I can clearly see where I was not clearly seeing, at the time.

And yesterday, I was listening to a podcast with Ethan Hawke, who quoted, "Lord protect me from what I want". (It looks as though the great Pablo Picasso stated this). And it took me down the rabbit hole of unfulfilled wishes, and the blessings that follow when we do not receive what we push for.

We can invest and expend...

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Do you know what you were built for?

Edge of Eclipse

On Tuesday, we connect with the first eclipse of 2, in Scorpio, with a Scorpio New Moon.  A partial solar eclipse, reducing the light from the sun, with a dark new moon. This is an opportunity to release the past and uncover, remember, rediscover deeper truths within...

One of the concepts I have been pondering and refining for awhile now centers around Purpose or Dharma, and more specifically, what we are built for.

I believe that each of us has chosen to exist here in this lifetime, this plane, for various reasons. I also believe that we did not come without a plan, or arrive 'empty-handed'.

Imagine that you are planning a journey, one of importance, that would have an impact, both on yourself, and the lives your journey intersects with.

There would be many reasons for the endeavor, and because of its importance, you would prepare yourself. You would not begin without some knowledge of timing, terrain, or potential obstacles you could face....

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Living with Selflessness

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that the recent full moon in Aries has inspired you to clear the way, so that you can express your personal Dharma more clearly and effectively!

I wanted to continue our deep dive into STER, and more specifically today on the area of Selflessness.

A lot of the teaching within the healing/conscious community will state that we need to destroy the ego, or deny our humanity, in order to expand into unity. But I believe that these teachings are incomplete and outdated...

A feeling of selflessness is not a denial of the unique gifts you hold or the journey you take. It is simply your opportunity to release attachment to the surface identity, enabling you to remember your connection with All that Is.

When we become to focused on 'me', we trip over the conflicting roles and identities. We lost sight of the bigger picture. This is simply a call to heal and release the labels that are too small, too fixed, and incomplete.

As we shed those layers, we...

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Is the story of your past Serving You?

Eclipses: Following Your Fate

The day before...

In less than 24 hours, the Full Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio begins.  And because you still have some time to prepare, I wanted to send a bit of information and some areas to address, enabling you to take full advantage of the power and potency in this moment of your life.

The Nodes are connect with our fate, destiny, our greatest threads and themes in this lifetime.  And this eclipse connects with the South Node, which highlights where we have come from, so that we can free ourselves from the old story and karmic cycles, and begin to create anew.


Over the next few days, spend some time meditating on the 'darker' sides of Scorpio, the aspects you've been afraid to acknowledge, the parts you've hidden away.  Scorpio deals with death, the taboo, sex, drugs, & rock and roll, our old shame and the ways we have been 'wrong'.  These aspects are deeply held and require courage to face.

If you can engage your courage...

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Is it possible to bring Heaven to Earth?

Hello human beings, I hope that you are feeling beautifully aligned! There are SO MANY things happening right now, and with our approach to a new sign of fiery Aries, and a new season, you may be feeling a push to get things done, but not feel you have the energy/grounding to make it happen.  Sound familiar?

Here's the good news- The moon has just entered Virgo, and for the next 2+ days, we are going to be guided in clearer ways.


The mutable Earth energy of Virgo is nearly halfway through the zodiac, nearly half way through a journey.  This is the point where we are committed to the path, have benefitted from the effort and learning, have an idea of what lies ahead, and a willingness to see it through.  We're in for the long-haul.

So if we look at the human journey as birth into human form, learning about how to interact and create within this plane, and then sharing this with humanity as an act of service, before we exit left, this is the point...

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How do you connect with your Humanity?

Hello fire walkers and water bearers!  The Sun is moving into Leo (courage, heart, nobility), and the moon will be full in Aquarius on Saturday (mystical, unpredictable, radical).  What an amazing combination of inner heart, and outer focus!

For many of us, wading through Cancer Season has been difficult in various ways.  Those of us doing big inner work have moved into the depths, learning to breathe under pressure.  We are now starting to see the rays of the sun, brightening the surf and surface, beckoning us into the warmth of Leo. (We'll focus more on this during the Leo New Moon, but allow yourself to step into summer now!)


As the moon moves into Aquarius, our hearts expand beyond ourselves and our tribe, to the wider collective.  We remember the humanity within us, and around us.  I will admit, my faith in humanity has wavered some over the past few years, but I am holding onto hope.  So I have been asking to see the helpers, to...

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