The Fool, Thresholds, and the Pause of Solstice

We’re approaching one of the most profound moments in the year—the Winter Solstice. This is one of my favorite times, a natural pause point that invites reflection, release, and renewal. When I think about time, it doesn’t feel linear. Time feels like a pendulum, swinging through cycles of expansion and contraction, action and rest.

The Solstice marks the turning of the tide, the moment when the upswing transforms into the downswing. And, more importantly, it highlights the imperceptible pause in between—the weightless, timeless space where all motion ceases.

In that suspended breath, there’s no push, no pull. No gravity. Just stillness. A moment to be.

When I meditate on this energy, the archetype that rises is The Fool. Standing on the edge of a great Threshold, eyes closed, heart open. There’s a tender, powerful beauty in The Fool’s posture—balancing between falling and flying, poised at the brink of something new. This isn’t...

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Where are you within the pendulum swing?

I've been meditating a lot lately about the past few years. I've been looking at how massive disruption to our lives created shifts in momentum, delayed plans, ended paradigms, and created space for phases to finish. For me, the dying off of identities and trajectories has been the most interesting aspect, as well as the most confusing or painful at times. While some things ground to a halt, others just got left in neutral, slowing in pace, until the movement stopped.

As someone who is used to working, planning, getting things done, and working with momentum to move ahead, the past few years have required me to reassess they ways that I operate, and to pivot, even when I wasn't sure I wanted to. But approaching this Winter Solstice, it feels that there is a possibility for change...

If you think of the seasons like a pendulum swinging, the Solstices represent the highest point of the swing, the edges, when the length of days and nights move from one extreme, back towards...

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