How do you build a healthy relationship?

Today is World Health Day, and while we often view or talk about health in terms of the physical, I wanted to move us into the realm of the Relational. Today's post is the first in a series of 3, and hopefully a great way to get you started! 

I have repeatedly witnessed in every facet, physical, emotional, spiritual, that gaining clarity on what it means to have healthy boundaries, allows everything else to fall into place.

But we overcomplicate it, we project our past problems onto a concept that we could simplify, and become overwhelmed with surface solutions that never reach the heart of the matter.

So let's strip away the excess..

A powerful first step towards moving into healthier alignment is to recognise what you value.

Your values will motivate your choices on every level. But sometimes we can be motivated in unhealthy ways. We may want more freedom, so we create hard barriers to connection, make ourselves unavailable, or say no to...

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