Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling more organised and flowing with a healthy rhythm at the end of Virgo Season!
Tomorrow, we enter into Libra Season, which brings focus to our relationships. And really, anything & everything within and around you could be addressed during this time. We relate to various aspects of the world in different ways, based on our perspectives, experiences, and memories. And if we want to change the relationship with something outside of us, we have to go within...
When I feel into the energy of the next month, I see lenses being adjusted, cleaned, removed. I see stories and dramas resolving and clarity giving new shape to perspective. I feel cravings lessening, and habits fading. I hear clear communication, discernment of expression...
And a shift in perception around Relationships in general- Instead of seeing them as difficult, confusing, overwhelming, what if it could be simpler?
What if we could surrender the obstacles and...
Hello beautiful beings, I hope that this week you feel that you have more space to breathe! We progressed into Autumn and into Libra Season, where our fixed judgements can be set aside, to breathe new life into fresh ideas and paradigms! I am so excited to witness what will unfold!
As I feel into the energy of October, there is a pull inward and then outward, like breathing. In the northern hemisphere, we are moving into longer nights, less time with the sun. One of the benefits is that we are called into home, and into ourselves, with more time to examine the outer world that you have been living in, and the ways it resonates with the inner realm...
The 'outer world' is created by the ways we relate and perceive. Our relationships with our friends, family, work/life balance, money, movement, time all reflect the relationship we have with ourselves. And so if the outer paradigm is not what you would wish...
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