Are you steady, or getting swept away?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying the beginning of the Autumn Season! We are playing within the relational energy of Libra Season, where we learn about ourselves through our interactions with others.

We are social beings, meant to connect, commune, and interact with those around us. We can cultivate our Tribe, choose our friends, pick our partners, and shape our interactions. But the bottom line is this- we are built to be with others, and suffer when we are not.

When things are healthy, we thrive within our relationships, we become more vibrant, energised, and inspired. We know how to address differences of opinion with maturity and respect, allowing each other to grow in our own ways. But when things go sideways, the unhealthy reaction can be either to lash out, or run away, to hide from each other, to shut down inside. But this is how we miss out on our greatest opportunities for learning, growth, and awakening.

A few weeks ago, I heard a quote from...

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Your Relationships with others begin within You

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling more organised and flowing with a healthy rhythm at the end of Virgo Season!

Tomorrow, we enter into Libra Season, which brings focus to our relationships. And really, anything & everything within and around you could be addressed during this time. We relate to various aspects of the world in different ways, based on our perspectives, experiences, and memories. And if we want to change the relationship with something outside of us, we have to go within...

When I feel into the energy of the next month, I see lenses being adjusted, cleaned, removed. I see stories and dramas resolving and clarity giving new shape to perspective. I feel cravings lessening, and habits fading. I hear clear communication, discernment of expression...

And a shift in perception around Relationships in general- Instead of seeing them as difficult, confusing, overwhelming, what if it could be simpler?

What if we could surrender the obstacles and...

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What are you choosing that erodes your Confidence?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that this week you feel that you have more space to breathe!  We progressed into Autumn and into Libra Season, where our fixed judgements can be set aside, to breathe new life into fresh ideas and paradigms!  I am so excited to witness what will unfold! 


As I feel into the energy of October, there is a pull inward and then outward, like breathing.  In the northern hemisphere, we are moving into longer nights, less time with the sun.  One of the benefits is that we are called into home, and into ourselves, with more time to examine the outer world that you have been living in, and the ways it resonates with the inner realm...

The 'outer world' is created by the ways we relate and perceive.  Our relationships with our friends, family, work/life balance, money, movement, time all reflect the relationship we have with ourselves.  And so if the outer paradigm is not what you would wish...

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Are you being treated the way you DESIRE to be treated?

(i.e. Are you showing yourself the same respect you’d like within your relationships with others?)

As we approach the end of the year, we often look back to see what has worked, and what has not. And I find that any time something is not working, there is an opportunity to delve within, to understand what is ‘not working’ within. Our outer world reflects our inner, providing an opportunity to check in with what truly aligns in the present moment.

Over the past few weeks, issues around Honour and Respect have been discussed in sessions and classes. So many of us feel dissatisfied with our relationships, feeling that they are lacking in love, connection, consideration.
But the reality is that another cannot provide something that you yourself refuse to allow, or offer yourself.

How often do you diminish yourself through the choices you make?
How frequently do you put another before you, creating your own suffering?
Do you respect your time? Your energy? Your freedom?...

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Do you truly understand Love?

On some level, we all fight the experience of Love.
We ask, beg, and plead for love, and then reject loving experiences as they are offered. There is always a complex mix of ideas, images, and feelings that float to the surface as we consider what the word love means. The layers of misaligned ideas develop as a result of millennia of human beings grasping at love, but failing to truly understand. 

As we develop relationships with partners, lovers, friends, we know that we want to create loving experiences. But we fail in our attempts to inspire, create, cajole, or evoke love within ourselves or another, because we have too many conflicting beliefs about what love really is.

Those who have lived in abusive relationships will often associate love with abuse. If ‘the people who love you, leave you’, we believe that love leads to abandonment. We have associations based on our experiences, but we are blaming love for the areas in which love has...

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