Navigating uncertainty can feel like stepping into a foggy unknown. Your mind may play tricks, your body might freeze in fear, or you could feel the pull to flee. Even knowing where to begin can feel like a puzzle with no edges.
I’ve walked through seasons where I’ve been keenly aware of living in the liminal—that in-between space where one paradigm has dissolved, but the next hasn’t fully emerged. Most of the time, I’ve leaned on my intuition, following whispers of guidance and trusting the subtle nudges. But there have also been moments when I’ve felt swallowed by darkness, adrift in uncertainty, with no clear path forward.
Sound familiar?
When fear seemingly takes over, it creates the illusion of a barrier between you and your intuition. The connection is never lost, but the static of self-doubt and worry can drown out your inner knowing. This can feel disorienting, isolating, even unnatural.
Often, we react to this by freezing or...
(i.e. Are you resisting, or in flow?)
Hello beautiful beings! Happy New Moon and Solar Eclipse!
I just wanted to send a very quick message to you to help you in taking full advantage of the present energy, and over the next few days.
Eclipse energy is perfect for endings. We clear karmic ties, stop old habits and ways of being, we let go of obligation. And this eclipse is ending patterns from the past 6 months. So take a look back at 2019 so far, and make a list of all of the aspects, dynamics, behaviours that you are finished with. Complete those patterns, feel the ties fall away, release the obligations. It is time to liberate yourself! Can I get an AMEN?!
Today also marks the New Moon, which is a time for beginnings. So take a look at the next (possibly big and scary) steps, the ways you want to step up, the ways you’d like to adjust your course…
Ask yourself:
What would it take to make this happen?
What would I need to embrace to flow with this?
How could I...
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