Can you make your life feel New again?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling in flow with the upcoming eclipse, and are consciously preparing for the options and opportunities presenting!

When meditating on the message for this week, I heard "I am making all things New". And I started to wonder what that would entail...

We can often fear change, we are afraid of upsetting someone or something in our lives. We can avoid making a new choice because it challenges our sense of identity, or how we show up in the world. We stick with the things that cause us the most suffering because it is known. Or we continue with a habit that isn't wholly destructive, but also is not contributing to what we want to experience.

This is when we feel bored, stuck, stagnant, in a holding pattern.

We can dismiss a thought of newness even with the things that have been working for us, but could be moving into that realm of habitual. The meditation practice we started with a year ago is now feeling more like a chore. The daily...

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How can you Prepare for Fundamental Change?

Although we are a few weeks into Spring and a new astrological year, things may not feel as 'solid' or formed as we would like for them to be.  We have cardinal energy to inspire us, fire to ignite passion, and the Warrior/Aries energy to give us direction.

But we are also moving towards Eclipse Season (cue dramatic music!) ;)

Each year, I normally spend some time connecting with the eclipses, making plans that work with the energies present, and generally being aware of their effect.

This year is different.  This year, my focus keeps being drawn to the eclipses, and I have been feeling compelled to make them a focus for the year.


Here is just a little bit of info to give some clarity (we'll go deeper during eclipse season)-

The eclipses this year are on the Taurus/Scorpio axis.  So for those of you with a lot of energy in either sign, you're going to feel it!  And even if you don't, these transits will absolutely effect you too.

Taurus energy centres on...

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How well do you navigate Change?

(i.e. Are you resisting, or in flow?)

Hello beautiful beings! Happy New Moon and Solar Eclipse!
I just wanted to send a very quick message to you to help you in taking full advantage of the present energy, and over the next few days.

Eclipse energy is perfect for endings. We clear karmic ties, stop old habits and ways of being, we let go of obligation. And this eclipse is ending patterns from the past 6 months. So take a look back at 2019 so far, and make a list of all of the aspects, dynamics, behaviours that you are finished with. Complete those patterns, feel the ties fall away, release the obligations. It is time to liberate yourself! Can I get an AMEN?!

Today also marks the New Moon, which is a time for beginnings. So take a look at the next (possibly big and scary) steps, the ways you want to step up, the ways you’d like to adjust your course…

Ask yourself:
What would it take to make this happen?
What would I need to embrace to flow with this?
How could I...

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Are you being treated the way you DESIRE to be treated?

(i.e. Are you showing yourself the same respect you’d like within your relationships with others?)

As we approach the end of the year, we often look back to see what has worked, and what has not. And I find that any time something is not working, there is an opportunity to delve within, to understand what is ‘not working’ within. Our outer world reflects our inner, providing an opportunity to check in with what truly aligns in the present moment.

Over the past few weeks, issues around Honour and Respect have been discussed in sessions and classes. So many of us feel dissatisfied with our relationships, feeling that they are lacking in love, connection, consideration.
But the reality is that another cannot provide something that you yourself refuse to allow, or offer yourself.

How often do you diminish yourself through the choices you make?
How frequently do you put another before you, creating your own suffering?
Do you respect your time? Your energy? Your freedom?...

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