Navigating uncertainty can feel like stepping into a foggy unknown. Your mind may play tricks, your body might freeze in fear, or you could feel the pull to flee. Even knowing where to begin can feel like a puzzle with no edges.
I’ve walked through seasons where I’ve been keenly aware of living in the liminal—that in-between space where one paradigm has dissolved, but the next hasn’t fully emerged. Most of the time, I’ve leaned on my intuition, following whispers of guidance and trusting the subtle nudges. But there have also been moments when I’ve felt swallowed by darkness, adrift in uncertainty, with no clear path forward.
Sound familiar?
When fear seemingly takes over, it creates the illusion of a barrier between you and your intuition. The connection is never lost, but the static of self-doubt and worry can drown out your inner knowing. This can feel disorienting, isolating, even unnatural.
Often, we react to this by freezing or...
I recently flew from eastern USA back to Edinburgh, and am dealing with the inevitable jet lag that accompanies the long trip.
An in perfect keeping with the message of this blog, as I attempted to type out 'jet lag', my fingers chose 'Jen lag', and the phrasing could not be more correct!
As I type this out, my body is unclear about the date, day, or time. I'm not sure if I'm hungry, hangry, sleepy, asleep, or somewhere in the middle of all of this. I suspect that some strange middle point of everything, all sensations, all awarenesses, is where I really 'am'.
I often think of crossing time zones as traveling both through time, and somehow over it. The elevation of the plane takes us out of the normal schedule of the day, and sets us back down in two - my body still feels 5 hours behind, my mind struggling, exhausted, trying to move 5 hours ahead.
This liminal or double space feels uncomfortable, and part of me wants to race ahead a few days, to when my own inner clock will have...
Having just gone through the Solstice, with the longest day, we begin our swing back towards the Equinox, the balance point. I have a fascination with Solstice extremes, and the turning point from one movement to another. I've written before about how this is like being on a swing (my favourite as a child!), that moment of weightlessness, where you are neither rising nor falling, the body is seemingly suspended, the air feel still, but full of anticipation for the next moment of movement...
That moment is the Threshold, the edge of liminal space, just before a choice becomes action, or a thought becomes words. That moment is ineffable, difficult to define in words or concept, but that is why it has the potential for so much.
At the beginning of every year, I draw a card for each month. For July, I pulled The Threshold - its guiding words are The Door, The Gate, The Initiation, and represents growth, individuation, and ease in the Liminal.
Take a moment to feel into those...
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