Having just gone through the Solstice, with the longest day, we begin our swing back towards the Equinox, the balance point. I have a fascination with Solstice extremes, and the turning point from one movement to another. I've written before about how this is like being on a swing (my favourite as a child!), that moment of weightlessness, where you are neither rising nor falling, the body is seemingly suspended, the air feel still, but full of anticipation for the next moment of movement...
That moment is the Threshold, the edge of liminal space, just before a choice becomes action, or a thought becomes words. That moment is ineffable, difficult to define in words or concept, but that is why it has the potential for so much.
At the beginning of every year, I draw a card for each month. For July, I pulled The Threshold - its guiding words are The Door, The Gate, The Initiation, and represents growth, individuation, and ease in the Liminal.
Take a moment to feel into those...
Over the past few months, I have been learning a lot, sometimes gracefully, with an open mind and heart. But also through addressing the more shadowy aspects of my personality - my occasional stubbornness, the mistrust that surfaces when I feel I'm all on my own, the seemingly crushing anxiousness that comes when I feel there are no other options to be found.
Over the past 6 months, I've been pushing for solutions that I have been meditating on for over a year. The asking and openness began to harden into demands. And I realised that my energy changed into anger and blame, because I believed that one option was the only viable way. I felt worn down and exhausted over spending so much time trying to make something happen when I wanted it to.
I finally got to the point that I understood that option A was just a single option, and that there are in fact many others.
And the bigger realisation was that option A probably isn't even the best option. It was just the only...
50% Complete
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