Are there benefits to being 'pulled out' of Time?

I recently flew from eastern USA back to Edinburgh, and am dealing with the inevitable jet lag that accompanies the long trip.

An in perfect keeping with the message of this blog, as I attempted to type out 'jet lag', my fingers chose 'Jen lag', and the phrasing could not be more correct!

As I type this out, my body is unclear about the date, day, or time. I'm not sure if I'm hungry, hangry, sleepy, asleep, or somewhere in the middle of all of this. I suspect that some strange middle point of everything, all sensations, all awarenesses, is where I really 'am'.

I often think of crossing time zones as traveling both through time, and somehow over it. The elevation of the plane takes us out of the normal schedule of the day, and sets us back down in two - my body still feels 5 hours behind, my mind struggling, exhausted, trying to move 5 hours ahead.

This liminal or double space feels uncomfortable, and part of me wants to race ahead a few days, to when my own inner clock will have...

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What would change if you simply expanded your Perspective?

What could evolve in your Experience, if you witnessed from Soul perspective?

I have been meditating a lot lately on the complexity of Being - allowing my human mind to perceive what is present in this vibration, but also to expand and include higher awarenesses of the bigger life journey, direction, cause and effect, and the deeper meaning involved. Some days, I struggle with this. But on other days, I see the moving parts working in rhythm, I can feel the flow of life around and through me, and the way that time and space provide a way for my life to unfold in interesting and often miraculous ways.


I also find that I can quickly, temporarily, forget about this beautiful rhyme and reason when the circumstances of life invoke specific reactions within me.

When I feel overwhelmed by the noise of life, another's pain, the conflict around me, I forget that this is simply an opportunity to notice this within me, and resolve that energy, so that I can live more...

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Is it a Timing issue, or Perspective?

Over the past few months, I have been learning a lot, sometimes gracefully, with an open mind and heart. But also through addressing the more shadowy aspects of my personality - my occasional stubbornness, the mistrust that surfaces when I feel I'm all on my own, the seemingly crushing anxiousness that comes when I feel there are no other options to be found.

Over the past 6 months, I've been pushing for solutions that I have been meditating on for over a year. The asking and openness began to harden into demands. And I realised that my energy changed into anger and blame, because I believed that one option was the only viable way. I felt worn down and exhausted over spending so much time trying to make something happen when I wanted it to.

I finally got to the point that I understood that option A was just a single option, and that there are in fact many others. 

And the bigger realisation was that option A probably isn't even the best option. It was just the only...

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Could Reframing your Story Lead to your Greatest Awakening?

When you consider a REFRAME, what comes to mind? As I have meditated on this over the past few weeks, a few ideas have become clear...

We are natural storytellers. We build our identities, plans, and perspectives upon stories that we have lived or heard. But because stories are created through the filters of perspective, they are not always honest recounts of what truly happened, or inclusive of the entire story. We often share from one side, one perspective, which is in truth, only a partial account.

So when looking to gain the full picture, there are a few ways to reframe, to make it more inclusive, to witness more detail, and gain clarity.

The first option with a reframe, would be to focus on the aspect of Time. There will have been periods when a difficult patch in a relationship or job seemed justifiable, believing that it was a temporary issue. But when that issue extends into months or years, the story has to change. Adding time to the...

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What wisdom are you bringing to 2018?

What wisdom are you bringing to 2018?
The end of December is one of my favorite times of the year. I love it because work winds down for the holidays, and I set aside time to reflect, to gain perspective. It is a powerful few weeks.
As I look back, I remember what I’ve gained over the year. And this year has been a time of growth and of letting go. Here’s what I’ve got so far:

At the beginning of the year, I focused on my core desired feelings (via Danielle LaPorte, check her out). These represent how I want to feel as much as possible, and there are some subtle shifts each year. My words for 2017 were:
Purposeful, Luminous, Bold, Dynamic, Aware, Fascinated, Aligned, Awakened, Spirited, Devoted
Next year, I’ll be asking for more dynamism and luminosity, fine-tuning my experience.

Theme of the Year: What would Prince do?
The answer: Whatever the hell he wants to do. It is always liberating to do what you truly desire, what really aligns.
Be more like Prince....

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