Which Virtues do you Choose to Live?

Hello beautiful beings, I've just finished teaching a group of awesome souls over the weekend, and am feeling energised and inspired! These occasions bring me back to evaluating what inspires me, a reminder to continue to build my life around ideals, events, and people that contribute to what I value.

I spoke in class yesterday about three words or qualities that continue to be a part of this, year after year: Vision, Wisdom, & Wonder

I have been interviewing and learning from a few incredible people over the past month (I'll be sharing more in the near future), and was fortunate enough to spend a few hours with Davide de Angelis last week, delving into the meaning of what it means to be a Visionary. He has built his life around his great capacity to live and create art through this ability. Having this ability means that we are able to see into the future, and to be inspired by what lies beyond our current circumstances, enabling us to create beyond the known. It...

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