Distraction or Dharma - How do you know?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope you're having a wonderful start to our new calendar year! There is a lot of debate over when our new year should truly be held, as energetically, 1 January doesn't always naturally hold a feeling of clean slate or new beginnings. We have assigned that ourselves. So I am not going to tell you to set resolutions, or to create grand goals that you may not stick to. I'm going to ask you to go deeper.

At this time of year, we often seek goals or ideas outside of ourselves. We are inundated with tips and hacks, online and all around us. It isn't necessarily a bad thing- joining a gym now if you truly want to join could be perfect! But often these purchases and commitments are motivated by something that we do not truly feel within. And if we are unable to align with a goal, the chances of success drop rapidly over time.

So instead of looking at this week as week 1, look at it as week 12, or 24, or 40. We are in Capricorn season, which inspires us...

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Can you make your life feel New again?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling in flow with the upcoming eclipse, and are consciously preparing for the options and opportunities presenting!

When meditating on the message for this week, I heard "I am making all things New". And I started to wonder what that would entail...

We can often fear change, we are afraid of upsetting someone or something in our lives. We can avoid making a new choice because it challenges our sense of identity, or how we show up in the world. We stick with the things that cause us the most suffering because it is known. Or we continue with a habit that isn't wholly destructive, but also is not contributing to what we want to experience.

This is when we feel bored, stuck, stagnant, in a holding pattern.

We can dismiss a thought of newness even with the things that have been working for us, but could be moving into that realm of habitual. The meditation practice we started with a year ago is now feeling more like a chore. The daily...

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Which Virtues do you Choose to Live?

Hello beautiful beings, I've just finished teaching a group of awesome souls over the weekend, and am feeling energised and inspired! These occasions bring me back to evaluating what inspires me, a reminder to continue to build my life around ideals, events, and people that contribute to what I value.

I spoke in class yesterday about three words or qualities that continue to be a part of this, year after year: Vision, Wisdom, & Wonder

I have been interviewing and learning from a few incredible people over the past month (I'll be sharing more in the near future), and was fortunate enough to spend a few hours with Davide de Angelis last week, delving into the meaning of what it means to be a Visionary. He has built his life around his great capacity to live and create art through this ability. Having this ability means that we are able to see into the future, and to be inspired by what lies beyond our current circumstances, enabling us to create beyond the known. It...

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Are you on Fire?

I cannot begin to tell you how impactful your choices and ACTIONS will be over the next few weeks.  No pressure. ;)

Currently, all planets are moving forward (until 27 April), AND we are in a cardinal fire sign at the beginning of the astrological year...

CARDINAL: beginnings, get up and go, the start of something new, initiation, fresh ideas and energy

FIRE: passion, inspiration, drive, movement, purity, unencumbered, free

ARIES: the (Peaceful if you choose) Warrior, focused, strong, powerful, marching ahead, goal-oriented, prepared for victory!

I mean, seriously, can the universe make your choices and actions much more potent right now?!?

I was being serious about no pressure-because none is needed.  In so many ways, the current/vibration we reside within is an open door, an open flow, directing you where you want to go.  The only resistance you will meet is within YOU!

Please allow the universe to support you right now!  Allow yourself...

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Are you ready for the end of a Decade?

Hello beautiful beings!  I just wanted to check in today, as we near the end of a year, and the end of the decade!

Are you ready to truly live a life that is aligned with your Purpose?
Are you prepared to make different choices, that will contribute to living a life of alignment?
Are you willing to challenge your beliefs, your habits, your paradigm, so that you can create something better?

Most people I know would answer ‘YES’ to each of those questions, but then stumble or struggle with the application.  We often know which choices and actions would serve us, but fail to follow that wisdom.  We can see the path, but end up going in circles instead.
I find that understanding your inspiration can help you to find your path and follow it with focus!  We often need to remember the why in order to continue to choose.

To help you gain some clarity and some inspiration, here are a few points to ponder:

*How do you want to feel every day?...

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