What wisdom are you bringing to 2018?
The end of December is one of my favorite times of the year. I love it because work winds down for the holidays, and I set aside time to reflect, to gain perspective. It is a powerful few weeks.
As I look back, I remember what I’ve gained over the year. And this year has been a time of growth and of letting go. Here’s what I’ve got so far:
At the beginning of the year, I focused on my core desired feelings (via Danielle LaPorte, check her out). These represent how I want to feel as much as possible, and there are some subtle shifts each year. My words for 2017 were:
Purposeful, Luminous, Bold, Dynamic, Aware, Fascinated, Aligned, Awakened, Spirited, Devoted
Next year, I’ll be asking for more dynamism and luminosity, fine-tuning my experience.
Theme of the Year: What would Prince do?
The answer: Whatever the hell he wants to do. It is always liberating to do what you truly desire, what really aligns.
Be more like Prince....
I have written before about Prince and Mastery. I use him as an example of someone who has immersed himself in his art, his craft, his purpose for living. His purpose was very clear and he lived it.
I attended an Elvis Tribute act earlier this week (which was pretty awesome!) Elvis is another incredible being who embraced his calling, but who also truly allowed it to shine through him. People who knew Elvis talk about his magnetism, charisma, and the magic and electricity that they felt when near him, or when he was on stage.
I believe that for many of us, living and sharing our calling may be more subtle, but that we can live our purpose in a way that can inspire others.
I have repeatedly witnessed beautiful beings who are denying their gifts, dampening their energy and influence, dismissing strength, and suffering as a result. Right now, my goal, both for myself and my clients, is to find the inner Purple Rain.
I recently facilitated a session with a person who believed on a...
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