New Year, Better Flow...
Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season, and are enjoying the beginning of a brand new calendar year. One of my favourite aspects of this time is opening a fresh, clean diary, and beginning to write in new plans and dreams for the 12 months ahead. What is your favourite ritual or practice this time of year?
Speaking of practices, I wanted to send a quick note about offerings over the next few months. We are now heading deep into Winter, but out of the darkness, and the plan is to provide events that reflect the energies present within the cosmos and here on Earth.
*For those nearby, dates are being confirmed for in-person Meditation & Subconscious Healing at the Wee Retreat in Glasgow. Numbers are growing again, and we're aiming to fill the studio, to open hearts and minds with each event.
*In terms of online offerings, we have seasonal events with Imbolc, and Equinox. Imbolc marks the...
We are moving towards an amazing New Moon in Virgo. I wanted to break this down a bit so that you can take full advantage of the magic we're immersed in this week!
First, the New Moon... I see it as tabula rasa, a clean slate. Take a moment to feel into the energy of a clean slate, a new beginning. Feel the calm, the quiet, a sense of peace.
The New Moon is dark, without light. For some, this can feel unnerving, with an inability to see what is coming, what we are moving towards. But in the darkness, the past is erased, there is no set path to follow, nothing to fulfill. You are there in the quiet, within your heart, fully present. And fully open to possibility.
In the few days surrounding the New Moon, we plant seeds for the coming weeks and beyond. We are able to make decisions regarding the experiences we would like to have, the ways we want to feel, and the quality of life that we want to live.
Close your...
What wisdom are you bringing to 2018?
The end of December is one of my favorite times of the year. I love it because work winds down for the holidays, and I set aside time to reflect, to gain perspective. It is a powerful few weeks.
As I look back, I remember what I’ve gained over the year. And this year has been a time of growth and of letting go. Here’s what I’ve got so far:
At the beginning of the year, I focused on my core desired feelings (via Danielle LaPorte, check her out). These represent how I want to feel as much as possible, and there are some subtle shifts each year. My words for 2017 were:
Purposeful, Luminous, Bold, Dynamic, Aware, Fascinated, Aligned, Awakened, Spirited, Devoted
Next year, I’ll be asking for more dynamism and luminosity, fine-tuning my experience.
Theme of the Year: What would Prince do?
The answer: Whatever the hell he wants to do. It is always liberating to do what you truly desire, what really aligns.
Be more like Prince....
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