How RICH does your life feel?

(I've written over the past few months about STER: Selflessness, Timelessness, Effortless, and now Richness. Click on the links to catch up/review)

Whenever I think about Richness, I think about a quality, an experience, a feeling of something full, abundant, complete. I remember things like a complex red wine, dark chocolate, damp soil, a thick duvet...

When I think about richness within life, that feeling of fullness comes back again and again. That time isn't sitting empty, that what we consume is full of flavor, nothing missing, nothing watered down. That the experience is full of wisdom, or possibility, nurturing, or freedom, and that it will either continue to impact, and/or will draw something else in that is also plentiful or abundant.

I think that over the past years, we have suffered through periods where life did not feel rich. We felt robbed of connection, the ability to move or travel, the possibility of making firm plans for the future....

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How Effortless could your Life be?

Towards the end of last year, I began to write a series of blog posts on STER, and got a little sidetracked by eclipses, holiday season, etc. It was the perfect example of how we can lose focus and wander away from what we seek, even when it is right before us! So today, we continue to Effortlessness and the beauty that lies within. (If you'd like to catch up/refresh, you can read about STER, Selflessness, and Timelessness via links within)


For just a moment, close your eyes and play with the word effortless...

Notice its qualities in your mouth, in your mind, through your body, your senses...


Even just pondering the qualities of this word and the sensations associated begin to bring you into a state of peace, calm, release, surrender. It actually feels pretty blissful!

So why do we move away from it so often, so easily?


If you're anything like me, you are used to trying hard, doing, striving, pushing, making things...

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How do you Create with Deeper Awareness?

The Gift of Ritual => Conscious Creation

One of my main focuses over the past decade has been around Conscious Creation, it feels like the key to everything. When I feel into the energy of a conscious choice, a realisation, or a moment when I lean into a new possibility, there are a few things at play.

1. I am Present. I let the distractions drop, my mind becomes calmer, everything slows down a little. Feel yourself move into the present moment now...

2. I am aware of Cause & Effect. I understand that what I choose now will create something else, which can build momentum if I continue to follow. Begin to see the threads of what you are living in this moment, based on what you chose in the past...

3. I remember what I have chosen in the past that has not worked, and what has. I have discernment to understand from a higher perspective, without regret or fear directing me, simple clarity of the greater laws of creation. Allow yourself to feel and witness...

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Transcending Time, entering the Eternal

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying the change of season, feeling supported by the cycles of life!

Today, I wanted to continue our deep dive into STER, and more specifically on the concept of Timelessness.

Have you ever experienced a moment that stretched out longer than it 'should'? We often have days that go by in a flash, or hours that drag on. Usually this relates to the activities we are engaged in, where our focus lies, the ways we are using our time, and how connected/resonant we feel in those moments...

But I want you to focus on the small moments where time stood still, where life slowed down, maybe colours were brighter, sound was deeper, where you were so IN the moment, that that was all that existed.

So many of us are looking at ourselves from the outside. Recalling a memory is like watching a movie, where we witness what we remember, but it may feel outside of us, as though it could have happened to anyone. This is usually...

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Living with Selflessness

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that the recent full moon in Aries has inspired you to clear the way, so that you can express your personal Dharma more clearly and effectively!

I wanted to continue our deep dive into STER, and more specifically today on the area of Selflessness.

A lot of the teaching within the healing/conscious community will state that we need to destroy the ego, or deny our humanity, in order to expand into unity. But I believe that these teachings are incomplete and outdated...

A feeling of selflessness is not a denial of the unique gifts you hold or the journey you take. It is simply your opportunity to release attachment to the surface identity, enabling you to remember your connection with All that Is.

When we become to focused on 'me', we trip over the conflicting roles and identities. We lost sight of the bigger picture. This is simply a call to heal and release the labels that are too small, too fixed, and incomplete.

As we shed those layers, we...

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Which ingredients are you adding, and do they hold the quality you desire?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that Libra Season is supporting you in addressing your relationships, boundaries, and conscious choices!

I wanted to send some info today on STER. This is something that Jamie Wheal talks a lot about, and I regularly include elements of STER in my decision making and conscious choices.


S= Selflessness

T= Timelessness

E= Effortlessness

R= Richness


When we are able to release attachment to the self, when we lose our grasp on time (past or future), when the flow is effortless, and when the quality of the experience is rich, we know that we are surfing in the sweet spot of life.

Our minds often like to compartmentalize, and focus on one thing at a time. So we may feel that we should only focus on one area, one quality, a singular 'thing'. But I am going to suggest that you add a few more ingredients to the mix to help you fine tune. It may seem to complicates things, but in reality, it helps to filter...

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