Are your justifications all that is standing in your way?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling supported and lighter this eclipse season. We are building toward the most potent 2 weeks, between 14-28 October, and the energy is feeling pretty great so far!

I attended an event recently with around 40 people, and as an 'ice-breaker',we were asked to chat with the group and fill in names on a sheet, by asking questions provided. (These included questions such as have you been skydiving, who has a twin, who plays an instrument, etc.) One of the options was to find someone who'd had 9 hours of sleep the night before.

I was the only person in that large group that could claim this.

I was a little surprised, partially because I value sleep, and so I make it a priority to set aside enough time so that I can feel rested and energised. It seemed pretty simple to me, so I thought this would be a common point for more people attending. There was surprise from the others, and I was given about 40 different reasons why they...

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Are you steady, or getting swept away?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying the beginning of the Autumn Season! We are playing within the relational energy of Libra Season, where we learn about ourselves through our interactions with others.

We are social beings, meant to connect, commune, and interact with those around us. We can cultivate our Tribe, choose our friends, pick our partners, and shape our interactions. But the bottom line is this- we are built to be with others, and suffer when we are not.

When things are healthy, we thrive within our relationships, we become more vibrant, energised, and inspired. We know how to address differences of opinion with maturity and respect, allowing each other to grow in our own ways. But when things go sideways, the unhealthy reaction can be either to lash out, or run away, to hide from each other, to shut down inside. But this is how we miss out on our greatest opportunities for learning, growth, and awakening.

A few weeks ago, I heard a quote from...

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Are you pushing for something that isn't for you?

Hello beautiful beings! I hope that you are enjoying the end of Summer and Virgo Season, and are feeling inspired to enter into Autumn and Libra Season! The energy this week has had some movement to it, and I can feel the flow from one season to another.

Over the weekend, I was talking to some students about how grateful I was that some of the things I wished for, planned for, asked for, never manifested. There were things within my career that I thought I wanted, but did not fully align with my deeper desires. Hindsight makes it easier to recognise our blindspots and assumptions, and I can clearly see where I was not clearly seeing, at the time.

And yesterday, I was listening to a podcast with Ethan Hawke, who quoted, "Lord protect me from what I want". (It looks as though the great Pablo Picasso stated this). And it took me down the rabbit hole of unfulfilled wishes, and the blessings that follow when we do not receive what we push for.

We can invest and expend...

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What is your biggest Catalyst for Change?

We have reached the end of Venus Retrograde but are still witnessing its effects playing out within our lives. The 6 week transit highlighted where our relationships were failing, our quality of life is low, and how what we allow may be out of alignment with our deeper desires. For many, it was a difficult 40+ days where sadness and anger were triggered, old traumas surfaced, and a mirror was held up, enabling us to honestly examine the sources of our suffering.

It has been a great reminder that we often wait for things to deteriorate or self-destruct before we address what we may view as overwhelming, confusing, or difficult to navigate.


We can all look back at our lives and recognise times when we shied away from an opportunity to address an issue, to set a boundary, or have a difficult conversation. We could have leaned into the challenge but allowed the drama to play out and grow.


This period has not been about finding the blame, but instead identifying the...

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How willingly do you Navigate the Underworld?

Over the next month or so, I'll be addressing elements of Initiation (free ebook), and how to navigate the journey that you as a Soul has chosen. The topic is fairly vast, so we will break it down into its elements, beginning today with the Underworld, your subconscious mind, and the aspects we often want to avoid...

The darkness of the underworld can feel daunting or scary at the best of times. Simply put, this is the aspect within us that holds our fears, suffering, and pain. We view it as our 'dark side', where we blame the ego, collective/ancestral conditioning, and often what we judge about ourselves that evokes the most shame, blame, guilt, and frustration.

Within the healing world, there is so much emphasis put on love and light, about being 'high vibe', awakened, or above it all. But guess what. In order to become the light, we first have to address the darkness within.

Here's what is fascinating- the only darkness within us or the world is what we do not yet understand.


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Do you rush to fill the space, or can you play in the liminal?

Hello beautiful beings, happy Leo New Moon! I don't know about you, but having the Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Leo is feeling pretty great! This is encouraging an alignment of who we Are, how we Feel, and the way we Express these in our lives. And because Leo represents the Heart, authenticity, honesty, and dignity, we are energetically in a great space to begin. But begin with what?

Over the past month or so (through the change of nodes, Lions Gate Portal, and some pretty potent aspects), it feels as though there has been a significant shift on the collective level. And I think we're just at the beginning of this.

There is an unravelling, an unweaving that seems to be taking place. Issues that have been playing out over the years are finally finding resolution. The things I've been hoping will end are ending. The old heartaches are healing on the deepest levels. And with this, I can feel so much more spaciousness within and around us. There is room to think, assess, see and feel,...

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What are you waiting for?

Hello beautiful beings, today is the 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal, which can help us to open up to more abundance, connection, alignment, creativity, and receiving, if you choose to allow it!

Over the past few months, a simple question keeps popping into my head, and has also been coming up in sessions/events-

What am I waiting for?

I think that sometimes we can wait for a 'special' transit or day (like 8/8), or demand a sign or synchronicity to move ahead. Sometimes we wait for a bolt of inspiration, or often until the suffering gets so bad that we have to act. But again, there is a lot of waiting involved.

I think that sometimes we can form an idea of how things are supposed to feel or unfold. Or that if your plan doesn't involve a 'eureka' moment, it isn't real. We're waiting for some massive breakthrough, when in reality, the signs, nudges, intuition, and evidence has been showing up consistently, regularly, in smaller ways.

Often, when we're waiting for the sign from the...

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Is your focus on I or WE?

Which Extreme is affecting your Alignment?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling centred and open as we reach the heart of the summer season!

Over the past few days, during my meditations, I have been shown over and over again the polarity of I => WE.

The Nodes of Destiny are now sitting in the Aries-Libra axis. Aries is our first introduction to ourselves as individuals, separate from our parents, fresh and new in the world. The purest idea of I AM. On the other side is Libra, which is totally relational, examining the dynamics between the self and the other, and what is co-created between the two.

The Sun and Moon today are opposing in a similar dynamic. The Sun in Leo brings us deep into the heart of you, representing the quality of the individual leader, standing in dignity, regal, and strong. The Moon is in Aquarius represents philanthropic and philosophical ideals, the well-being of community, the collective, and our part in a larger picture and story.


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Are you casting shadows on your inner sun?

Are you expanding into your Light, or shrinking your paradigm?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling more awake and inspired now that we are travelling through the summer months! I know that I've felt a fire growing brighter within me, and have been inspired to offer a number of online events and courses over the next few months! Details for in-person events will also be posted soon, because it is TIME! (And BTW, if you're interested in hosting me in your area for an event/course, please get in touch!)

The Sun is now at home in Leo, bringing us out into the light, encouraging us to be more visible, open-hearted, more passionate and compassionate, more loving, honest, and authentic. I feel that we can choose to go one of two ways with this-

1. You can feel afraid and you can shrink down, become smaller, quieter, and try to deceive yourself about who you truly are.

2. You can feel the call to expand, to grow, and to show up as a leader,...

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Are you moving gracefully, or suffering with every bump along the way?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling nourished, strong, and ready for the summer months! Energetically, the past few weeks have been interesting, and conversations keep coming back to the same theme: Resilience. 

I have explored the energy and ideas around resilience for years, having worked within the addiction field, witnessing how some people are able to learn to move with life a little more gracefully, instead of feeling tossed around by it, or pushed down. And it feels as though Resilience is at the heart of this. A quick Google provides this definition: Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from difficult life events. Being resilient does not mean a person doesn't experience stress, emotional upheaval, and suffering. Resilience involves the ability to work through emotional pain and suffering.

One of my favourite examples of embodied resilience comes from Jamie Wheal, who uses the example of mountain...

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