What is your Vibration Calling In?

I've kept the image below saved on my computer for the past few years, as a reminder to pay attention to what I attract. And as we approach International Women's Day (8 March), I feel called to consider the members of my Tribe, and the common resonance that brings us together.

I have always had eclectic taste, I don't tend to 'stay in my lane'. I was the little girl who wore dresses, but also played kickball with the boys. I can appreciate most genres of music and film, and find it difficult of have a favourite anything (a Top 5 is about the best I can do, and it will likely change within a week). The fluidity of taste, identity, influences has sometimes been a little confusing, with some difficulty in identifying what it is that I really resonate with... But I now understand that it has also been expansive, freeing, and nourishing in ways I can't fully articulate.

I spent some time this morning, meditating on the common themes and threads within my...

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How do your own words teach you?

What do your words show you about yourself?

I had the great privilege of speaking at the Dundee Goddess Gathering event over the weekend, and was reminded of the consciousness within language, words, and communication.

The specific words and phrases we choose to speak reflect what we believe. They can show us our deepest doubts and fears, but also our strengths and areas of growth.

When we really pay attention to the specific words we are choosing in any moment, we can become more aware of the patterns we are still looping within, unconsciously creating the same scenarios again and again. And when we become more aware of the pattern, and start to act in different ways, the story and the language around it evolves too.

A lot of emphasis is put upon the power of language. The word Abracadabra means 'I will create as I speak'. But I wonder if it is less about the power of the speech, and more about what those words reflect more deeply from within. If there...

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What would change if you simply expanded your Perspective?

What could evolve in your Experience, if you witnessed from Soul perspective?

I have been meditating a lot lately on the complexity of Being - allowing my human mind to perceive what is present in this vibration, but also to expand and include higher awarenesses of the bigger life journey, direction, cause and effect, and the deeper meaning involved. Some days, I struggle with this. But on other days, I see the moving parts working in rhythm, I can feel the flow of life around and through me, and the way that time and space provide a way for my life to unfold in interesting and often miraculous ways.


I also find that I can quickly, temporarily, forget about this beautiful rhyme and reason when the circumstances of life invoke specific reactions within me.

When I feel overwhelmed by the noise of life, another's pain, the conflict around me, I forget that this is simply an opportunity to notice this within me, and resolve that energy, so that I can live more...

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Is it a Timing issue, or Perspective?

Over the past few months, I have been learning a lot, sometimes gracefully, with an open mind and heart. But also through addressing the more shadowy aspects of my personality - my occasional stubbornness, the mistrust that surfaces when I feel I'm all on my own, the seemingly crushing anxiousness that comes when I feel there are no other options to be found.

Over the past 6 months, I've been pushing for solutions that I have been meditating on for over a year. The asking and openness began to harden into demands. And I realised that my energy changed into anger and blame, because I believed that one option was the only viable way. I felt worn down and exhausted over spending so much time trying to make something happen when I wanted it to.

I finally got to the point that I understood that option A was just a single option, and that there are in fact many others. 

And the bigger realisation was that option A probably isn't even the best option. It was just the only...

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Can you nurture tomorrow by Being the Elder today?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are moving through January with grace and integrity! We are deep within Capricorn Season, which is bringing our focus to Time and the way that wisdom and understanding is carried through it.

Let's take a moment to move ourselves into the Capricorn Archetype. Imagine yourself standing on a mountain, that you have dedicated yourself to climbing, to understanding the terrain, planning your course, and mastering the ascent. It has take time and effort, discipline to continue ahead, a faith that it will benefit yourself and others.

Now see yourself at the top, gazing out at the view, with the ability to see for miles. You can see where others are in their own journeys. You can recognise what you have overcome and learned along the way. You can feel the connection to that focus and dedication, and how it has shaped you over the years.

You have gone through the initiations, and are a more awakened and aware being. From this higher perspective,...

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Distraction or Dharma - How do you know?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope you're having a wonderful start to our new calendar year! There is a lot of debate over when our new year should truly be held, as energetically, 1 January doesn't always naturally hold a feeling of clean slate or new beginnings. We have assigned that ourselves. So I am not going to tell you to set resolutions, or to create grand goals that you may not stick to. I'm going to ask you to go deeper.

At this time of year, we often seek goals or ideas outside of ourselves. We are inundated with tips and hacks, online and all around us. It isn't necessarily a bad thing- joining a gym now if you truly want to join could be perfect! But often these purchases and commitments are motivated by something that we do not truly feel within. And if we are unable to align with a goal, the chances of success drop rapidly over time.

So instead of looking at this week as week 1, look at it as week 12, or 24, or 40. We are in Capricorn season, which inspires us...

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Where are you within the pendulum swing?

I've been meditating a lot lately about the past few years. I've been looking at how massive disruption to our lives created shifts in momentum, delayed plans, ended paradigms, and created space for phases to finish. For me, the dying off of identities and trajectories has been the most interesting aspect, as well as the most confusing or painful at times. While some things ground to a halt, others just got left in neutral, slowing in pace, until the movement stopped.

As someone who is used to working, planning, getting things done, and working with momentum to move ahead, the past few years have required me to reassess they ways that I operate, and to pivot, even when I wasn't sure I wanted to. But approaching this Winter Solstice, it feels that there is a possibility for change...

If you think of the seasons like a pendulum swinging, the Solstices represent the highest point of the swing, the edges, when the length of days and nights move from one extreme, back towards...

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Are you over-giving or under-receiving? (I bet its both!)

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling more joyful, aligned, and expanded here in the heart of Sagittarius Season! The emphasis for this astro season is on learning, exploration, and moving towards mastery. We have a chance to fine-tune direction, and to feel the benefits in the areas where we are most aligned.

But if there are areas where we are lacking in alignment, Tis the season to realise the effects...

I have been speaking to people a lot lately about depletion - feeling depleted within the body (exhausted, over-worked, overwhelmed), depleted in mind (unfocused, lack of clarity, distracted), and depleted within the spiritual body (unsupported, lacking guidance, tired beyond the physical). So I wanted to write about a polarity that we often undervalue or dismiss, even though it can cut through so many layers of us, as the impact ripples through every facet of our lives.


There is a direct correlation between over-giving and under-receiving, there is...

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How do we Relinquish that which we cling to tightest?

My dreams over the past week or so have been strange- seemingly darker, unfamiliar, seen through strange lenses, all fitting well into the themes and views of Scorpio Season. These, along with countless other interactions, conversations, challenges, continue to bring me back to the question: How can we relinquish that which we cling to?

We approach the holiday season, where people celebrate some beautiful traditions, and some strive for an illusion. We can become fixed in how we believe a day, a conversation, an action should unfold, and then inevitably feel disappointment or defeated when it does not. Because in truth, it never could. The story in our minds was never real to begin with.

We cling to a brighter version of history, omitting the obstacles and conflict, and then wonder why we can never recreate it. But it never really happened that way before.

We cling to the unreal, un-lived, disembodied versions of what we feel we are supposed to experience, instead of...

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Are you seeking more?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling light, free, and full of hope for the next 6 months! Eclipse Season ended on Monday, so we've have had 6 weeks to untangle and unfold. What a process it has been! I'd encourage you to reflect on what has changed for you, how your focus or direction has shifted, and what you want to work towards over the next 6 months.


Personally, over the past year or more, I have known that something was shifting, both within me, and in what I am called to offer. 

Once I began to design the changes, to talk to trusted friends and colleagues, I began to feel more aligned than I have in years. I am so excited to share all of this with you, but also feel totally centred, steady, and at peace with all that is unfolding. Peaceful Awareness, a beautiful place to be. 

Some of these visions are still developing, but I wanted to share what I can with you now. I have included some information below, with links to more....

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