Are you planting from the Past, or for the Future?

At this time of year, I always feel a bit more enthusiasm and optimism. The summer sun is more potent, along with the promise of growth, visibility, and a witnessing of the benefits of dedicated effort over the previous months.

In this final week of Spring, I feel that we are called to consider the last aspects of planting and planning, to think about the year ahead, and ensure that we are planting seeds from the heart and soul, so that what we reap over the next few seasons is aligned with something more meaningful and joyful.

Over the past few weeks, I have been playing with the idea of Magnetism, and what it feels like to draw to us, not only what we desire, but also what we are.

I listened to Robert Holden speak a few years ago about not only recognising what we want to have, but also becoming it. If you want a great friend, be a great friend. If you want more love, become love.

So the seeds we are planting are not in the external world, but within ourselves....

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