Have you been waiting for your fresh start?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying your final day of Winter, and feeling ready to step into Spring!

Over the years, I have witnessed clients and students create some pretty incredible changes in their bodies, minds, and lives. And while those grand shifts are inspiring and exciting to watch, they never happen without the implementation of some healthy boundaries, choices, practices, both before and after.

We already operate within so many cycles, rhythms, and patterns. We live with seasonal changes, growth and die off of the natural world, a dance with the elements around and within. And the more that we can tune into the cycles of life, the easier it becomes to navigate.

I have been holding online events over the past 5+ years, connecting with the cycles of the moon, Solstices, Equinoxes, Eclipses, because I know that when we tap into the bigger picture, we can ride the energetic waves, recognise when it is time to rest and reassess, and when to take a...

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