What have you inherited that is your greatest gift?

Hello Eternal Souls,

I hope you’re feeling the magic of this week—Samhain, Halloween, All Hallows' Eve, Day of the Dead. It’s one of my favorite times of the year, and I’m excited to be attending Edinburgh’s Samhain Fire Festival this evening!

This season always draws my focus to the past. But not my own past—the past of those who came before me. We are the products of lifetimes and generations, carrying an incredible blend of traits, knowledge, talents, memories, perceptions, and lived experiences. It can feel overwhelming to think of everything that has happened to allow us to be here, on this plane, in these forms. We walk as products of time, co-creation, biology, soul connection, and immeasurable earthly and divine influence.

When I feel pessimistic, doubtful, or cynical about my own life or circumstances, I allow my perspective to expand beyond this lifetime—and I remember there is a rhyme and reason to my existence. This brings me...

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Do you follow fear, or Understand who you Are?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are benefitting from the power of the recent eclipses this Scorpio Season!

My personal meditations and ceremonies over the past 5 weeks have been profound, because I designed them to be. I know that eclipses open portals, doorways, and possibilities. So I have allowed myself to sit within the vortex, so that I can become...

During my own meditation a few weeks ago, I was shown my Solar Plexus, the seat of ego, identity, confidence, self-worth. In the shadow of this energy centre, we follow our fears, telling us that we are less than, weak, wrong. Or we witness the truth of who we really are, beyond the labels, projections, and judgements, and step into alignment with our higher aspects and Dharma.

I was shown my Solar Plexus as a sun, which I have witnessed before. But then I expanded out, and saw that there was not only 1 star, but a galaxy of stars, spinning and moving in a spiral. The message I received was that I am not one...

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When you feel hindered, how do you find your way?

Do you follow fear, or your future?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are navigating this eclipse season with some grace! The energy has been pretty intense over the past few weeks, and we have a few more to go before eclipse season draws to a close.  And in the spirit of using what is present to our advantage, I have an idea for you to lean into and consider...

The obstacle is the way.

This idea came to mind when | was teaching a workshop recently, and it has been present in my awareness since then. It comes from Roman Emperor and Stoic Philosopher, Marcus Aurelius. He wrote, "The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting. The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way." 

Over the past few weeks, I have been confronted with my oldest insecurities so that I can work through them and heal them. I had the privilege of meeting a favourite poet last weekend, and instead of fully...

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Do you know what you were built for?

Edge of Eclipse

On Tuesday, we connect with the first eclipse of 2, in Scorpio, with a Scorpio New Moon.  A partial solar eclipse, reducing the light from the sun, with a dark new moon. This is an opportunity to release the past and uncover, remember, rediscover deeper truths within...

One of the concepts I have been pondering and refining for awhile now centers around Purpose or Dharma, and more specifically, what we are built for.

I believe that each of us has chosen to exist here in this lifetime, this plane, for various reasons. I also believe that we did not come without a plan, or arrive 'empty-handed'.

Imagine that you are planning a journey, one of importance, that would have an impact, both on yourself, and the lives your journey intersects with.

There would be many reasons for the endeavor, and because of its importance, you would prepare yourself. You would not begin without some knowledge of timing, terrain, or potential obstacles you could face....

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Does your Reality reflect your Values?

Hello humans!  I hope that you are navigating this Scorpio Season with grace!  At the moment, things may be feeling a little intense, unsteady, or overwhelming.  Now is the time to breathe deep, dig deep, and recognise that the discomfort or pain that is surfacing is simply what needs your attention right now.  And as you address the issues being highlighted, you heal.  Not through avoidance, running away, or sweeping things under the rug, but by embracing the opportunity to heal instead of hide There is no way out, only through.

And if you can embrace this, your Eclipse Season (we're in it now!) is going to feel much more manageable!  We are approaching a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, and this one will be particularly powerful because it will be highlighting our earthliness, our quality of life as human beings.


This week has a huge emphasis on quality of life, particularly embodied living, being present within your...

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How can your Ancestors guide you?

Happy Halloween beautiful beings, I hope you are enjoying the energy this weekend!  Over the next few days, the veil 'thins', we are able to more easily connect with and witness what is beyond the physical realm.  

Each year, I spend this time meditating with my ancestors.  What I have learned is that they contain a vast amount of knowledge, wisdom, and experience.  I have recognised that so much of my strength, discernment, and faith have been interited, and have grown within me through each choice to apply them and evolve.

Your ancestors were the survivors, the warriors, as well as the singers, artists, and inventors.  They were skilled, dedicated, and knowledgeable.  I know that we can often get caught up in the belief that we have to dedicate so much time and energy to healing them, that we forget all that we can gain from our connection with them.

Schedule some time this weekend to remember the gifts within your ancestral lines, to feel them...

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