We are made of stories. But how true are yours?

Every memory we recall, every bit of gossip we share, every bit of wisdom we offer has a story behind it, and within it.

Think about it for a moment - even the purest moment of epiphany becomes a story. You recall aspects of where you were, who you were with, how you felt in the moment, and then how you began to respond. You recognise the cause and effect of the choices you made, the changes you chose as a result. And you can recognise what lead you to the realisation in the first place, the series of events, what triggered or inspired you.

In one sense, the story is incredible useful, becuase it helps you to create meaning, or understand yourself in new ways. When we look back at our lives, or those of our family members, we can see points plotted out over time, that shaped perspectives, experiences, quality of life, and direction. 

And if we can continue to see things from that higher perspective to learn and apply the wisdom, we're in a good place to learn and grow.

What can...

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Will you turn away, or take the next step ahead?

Having just gone through the Solstice, with the longest day, we begin our swing back towards the Equinox, the balance point. I have a fascination with Solstice extremes, and the turning point from one movement to another. I've written before about how this is like being on a swing (my favourite as a child!), that moment of weightlessness, where you are neither rising nor falling, the body is seemingly suspended, the air feel still, but full of anticipation for the next moment of movement...

That moment is the Threshold, the edge of liminal space, just before a choice becomes action, or a thought becomes words. That moment is ineffable, difficult to define in words or concept, but that is why it has the potential for so much.

At the beginning of every year, I draw a card for each month. For July, I pulled The Threshold - its guiding words are The Door, The Gate, The Initiation, and represents growth, individuation, and ease in the Liminal.

Take a moment to feel into those...

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Are you still trying to prove your worth?

Today, we swim and surf with the Cancer New Moon, a beautiful opportunity to reinvent your identity, to engage your intuition to guide all that you create, and to choose more expansive experiences over the coming season.

I have spent the past few months consuming information around creation, manifesting, and what is required to create change - not only on a mental or emotional level, but within the physical reality too.

The relationship between these has always fascinated and sometimes confused me. Over the years, I've witnessed instant healings, where the body shifts on command. But I have also struggled to open channels to various other aspects within the physical realm. I've explored areas of failure and success, worthiness, proving, striving, allowing, receiving, so many facets that could influence the ability to experience something 'greater' than the current state.

A few weeks ago, I stumbled onto this quote - "I believe you have a responsibility to comport...

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Are you planting from the Past, or for the Future?

At this time of year, I always feel a bit more enthusiasm and optimism. The summer sun is more potent, along with the promise of growth, visibility, and a witnessing of the benefits of dedicated effort over the previous months.

In this final week of Spring, I feel that we are called to consider the last aspects of planting and planning, to think about the year ahead, and ensure that we are planting seeds from the heart and soul, so that what we reap over the next few seasons is aligned with something more meaningful and joyful.

Over the past few weeks, I have been playing with the idea of Magnetism, and what it feels like to draw to us, not only what we desire, but also what we are.

I listened to Robert Holden speak a few years ago about not only recognising what we want to have, but also becoming it. If you want a great friend, be a great friend. If you want more love, become love.

So the seeds we are planting are not in the external world, but within ourselves....

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Are you fighting the world, or working with what is Present?

Over the past few months, I've been watching shows and movies focusing on racing. I have been fascinated by the strength, speed, and responsiveness of the drivers, mechanics, and teams involved, working together like a complex dance, a complicated piece of music - the drivers exhibiting mastery of their senses, intuition, ability to read the road and conditions, the cars around them, the elements present.

In 2020, I was in Cambodia, marveling at the weaving of cars, bicycles, pedestrians, and motor bikes carrying multiple people with all of their bags and cargo. The roads were full, seemingly chaotic, but somehow, everyone was aware of what was happening all around, working with what was present, instead of fighting each other as they moved.

All of these scenarios present a picture of chaos, controlled chaos at best, but when you feel into the energy, there is pure flow at play.

I know that a lot of us have felt that we are floundering with the perceived chaos around and within...

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What's getting lost in Translation? (and creating a lot of confusion!)

Mind the Gap...

In our last newsletter, we explored the concept of emotions changing us for the better. Today, I wanted to focus on the journey from emotion to feeling, and what potentially gets lost in translation, along the way...

When I look back at my life, I recognise that I spent decades in a fairly dissociative state. Now, I understand that I am highly sensitive. Then, it all just felt pretty overwhelming. My way of coping as a child was to isolate myself, and disappear into my own world where my mind could run wild, but without full awareness of the physical reality. While this probably made me feel temporarily 'safer', it also separated me from myself, and from more deeply understanding my interactions with the world around me. Short term relief instead of long term embodiment.

Much of my adult life has been focused on reintroducing myself to Me, to how I think, feel, perceive, interpret, and simply BE within this plane. Part of this reeducation has...

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Change your Emotions, or allow them to Change You?

What impact do your emotions have upon you?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling more grounded and graceful as we move towards the Taurus New Moon early Wednesday morning BST. This energy is calling us back to our bodies, minds, emotions, and the humanness within...

Lately, so many of us have been working through facets of identity, opening to surrender, seeking clarity, just about anything and everything to understand the next step. Most of my recent clients also report feeling exhausted, fed up, frustrated, a spectrum of what we would label as 'negative' emotions and feelings.

So much of my own healing process, and the work I do with others has been around resolving old, outdated, conditioned 'stuff'. We've worked to understand the wisdom within them, to take the good from the experiences, and to embody the positive.

And at this point, I feel that my questions are changing, along with my goals. Instead of seeking relief, or another answer that would...

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Your Fears show you where you Limit Yourself

What a month its been! I feel that for many of us, its been a bit of a roller coaster, whirlwind, washing machine, but I can sense that the noise and topsy-turvyness of it is beginning to change...

This weekend marked the meeting of Jupiter and Uranus. Basically, this is where your goodness and greatness gets a boost in unexpected and interesting ways. Seriously, who is ready?!

I spent a lot of time meditating, writing, and dissecting my mind and my life. There were some strange moments, fears uncovered, and discomfort felt on a lot of levels. I had a dream that I was within a corridor, and behind each door was one of my deepest fears. The temptation was to keep the doors shut, to 'wait it out', to simply let things lie. But when I awoke and meditated on the meaning, I realised that keeping those doors shut meant that I was delaying great healing and insight AND I was cutting off part of myself that are actually useful, strong, and wise.

Behind one door, I was keeping a vast and...

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Are you Radiant, or dimming your Light?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are beginning to burn more brightly at this time of resurrection and meaningful change! While the past few weeks may have felt hard, tiring, difficult, or confusing, it feels that we are reaching a culmination point, where the shifts are bringing forth something new within us.

As I meditated this morning, the word that kept coming through, louder and louder, was Radiance. And it feels as though it is time to more deeply understand what that means for each of us, individually.

When I feel into that idea, I see fire, light, expansion. The darkness begins to withdraw, and what has been under shadow can either finish, and/or new inspiration can emerge.

Over the past few years, many of us have seemed to dim. We have withdrawn into ourselves to do some deep work, to end old patterns, to examine the conditioning and what has been perceived as normal or accepted. This time of stillness has served a purpose, but it is coming to an end. It is time...

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What happens when you lose touch with your Mission?

During the lockdowns, the disruption to social life, the massive changes we had to face, I was actually ok. Like many, I spent more time meditating, decorating my house, connecting with family and friends back home. I wanted to be out with friends, traveling, creating new experiences and memories, but I found that, for the most part, I could find other ways to explore (meditation, reading, writing, etc).

But what I did find truly difficult was the feeling that my work, my Purpose, had been derailed.

I'd spent years building momentum around my healing practice, crafting regular events for people in Scotland and around the world to join in. I'd put my heart and soul into structuring my time and energy so that everything was in flow. And life was pretty great!

Once that was disrupted, I still felt optimistic that I could just go back to the way things were, and that what had worked before would work again. 

It didn't.

The past few years have provided time and space for...

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