Are you feeling trapped within the ways of the Past?

Over the past few weeks, I've written about the Hedonist and the Purist. Time to dive into the mindset of the Conformist.

The Conformist finds comfort in what has already been established, the known path, inside of the comfort zone. They are more likely to lean towards tradition, what is already known or accepted, finding comfort in the past.

Like the other 2 ideologies, there is a time an place to lean into conformity. When we tap into ancient wisdom or practices, we walk the path of wisdom. When we seek a mentor or leader/guide to support, we are tapping into what has been tried and tested, enabling us to hopefully make fewer mistakes or face lesser obstacles along the way.

But here we are in Aquarius season, where conformity is rebelled against, rejected, shunned. At times like this, we are thrown into the kaleidoscope, where the comfortable or predictable are less present or unrecognisable. And so at times like this, there may be less of a place to conform, and...

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Is your attempt at Purity overly Restrictive?

Last week, I wrote about Hedonism, without intending to get into the behavioural triangle of Hedonist-Purist-Conformist, but synchronicity in my life has sent me in that direction.

I am currently listening to Michael Pollan's book, This is your Mind on Plants, specifically to the section on caffeine, its role in addiction and compulsive habits, and the ways it alters the mind. Interestingly, caffeine is so ingrained in society, in many ways it is the most difficult to abstain from, because so much centers around coffee and tea, socially and within the work world. Most of us don't really know our base-line of consciousness, because our state is continually, daily (or more), altered by caffeine.

So the role of the Purist enters, potentially offering a solution: Cut It Out.

The philosophy of the Purist tends to lean on absolutes, all or nothing, requiring clarity of judgement, discipline, abstention, and often withdrawal from aspects of society. Another extreme.

But its easy...

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Are you feeling Hedonistic or Virtuous?

Are you feeling Hedonistic or Virtuous?

I saw the movie Babylon this week, on the big screen, in all its glory, and it was an experience! Bright, loud, intense for the eyes and ears, there was no looking away or tuning it out. I won't give away the details of the stories weaving through, but one of the main themes circled around Hedonism, and the quality of life it provides.

I think that we can all look at our pasts, possibly towards our younger years, and recognise those within our group of friends who were the hedonists. (Maybe you were the one?) Our hedonistic friends are always up for a good time, ready to celebrate, planning for the next party. They can be great cheerleaders and encouragers, and often have a knack for introducing connections. But they usually slip out with shoes in hand when it comes time to clean up, pick up the pieces, or make conscious, responsible decisions. I will admit, a little bit of hedonism...

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What are you leaving behind?

New Year, Better Flow...

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season, and are enjoying the beginning of a brand new calendar year. One of my favourite aspects of this time is opening a fresh, clean diary, and beginning to write in new plans and dreams for the 12 months ahead. What is your favourite ritual or practice this time of year?

Speaking of practices, I wanted to send a quick note about offerings over the next few months. We are now heading deep into Winter, but out of the darkness, and the plan is to provide events that reflect the energies present within the cosmos and here on Earth.

*For those nearby, dates are being confirmed for in-person Meditation & Subconscious Healing at the Wee Retreat in Glasgow. Numbers are growing again, and we're aiming to fill the studio, to open hearts and minds with each event.

*In terms of online offerings, we have seasonal events with Imbolc, and Equinox. Imbolc marks the...

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Are you ready to light the Fires?

This week, we finish the Autumn season and move into the darkness of the Winter months, into introspection, an opportunity to delve within. Can you remember the last time you really gave yourself time and space to do this?

We will connect online (and/or you can watch the recording at your convenience) on the 21st at 7pm, to light a fire within. This is an opportunity to clear the spaces that have become the most stagnant, dark, heavy.

We also move into Capricorn Season, Cardinal Earth, where we can feel held and supported as we assess and build foundations for the end of the astrological year. The next few months invite us into maturity, wisdom, elderhood, which will prepare us for planting and new beginnings of Spring.

This week is a great time to ask yourself about the beginning of the end, and ways to prepare yourself and your life for transition, evolution, change. Remember that endings are the required first step for something new. Allow the space to clear, for the old to...

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Can you ever really return home?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope you are enjoying the end of the harvest season as you move towards the winter months! I have just arrived in North Carolina for the first time in 3.5 years, and through conversations with friends, reminders of old habits, and a return of the mind to the past, have been pondering whether we can return to anything fully. The paradoxes and contrasts that have surfaced have been interesting, and it feels that many of us will be facing the same questions, consciously or unconsciously over the coming weeks...


Greek Philosopher Heraclitus stated, "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.”

The water is refreshed every second, levels rise and fall, the bed changes, the banks erode to new shapes. And so do we. Change is inevitable, nothing stays the same. And anytime we try to return, or recreate the past, there will be new ingredients, information, input. While we may believe on one...

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Which Virtues do you Choose to Live?

Hello beautiful beings, I've just finished teaching a group of awesome souls over the weekend, and am feeling energised and inspired! These occasions bring me back to evaluating what inspires me, a reminder to continue to build my life around ideals, events, and people that contribute to what I value.

I spoke in class yesterday about three words or qualities that continue to be a part of this, year after year: Vision, Wisdom, & Wonder

I have been interviewing and learning from a few incredible people over the past month (I'll be sharing more in the near future), and was fortunate enough to spend a few hours with Davide de Angelis last week, delving into the meaning of what it means to be a Visionary. He has built his life around his great capacity to live and create art through this ability. Having this ability means that we are able to see into the future, and to be inspired by what lies beyond our current circumstances, enabling us to create beyond the known. It...

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Are you Preaching to the Choir?

During my meditation this morning, I was asking about ways to be more seen, heard, understood. I was shown an image of preaching to the choir.

Normally, when we use this phrase, we mean that we are making a statement that those around us that already agree. That we won't change minds, or have an effect. But I feel that there is a deeper understanding that could be of use for you now.

Truth is truth. Often, when we express ourselves, there are strands of truth in what we say, to a greater or lesser degree. And sometimes we are expressing ideas in ways that another person isn't able to fully receive, simply because of our language, tone, approach, or mixed messages.

When we talk about tribe, belonging, or resonance, we are looking for those around us who can feel that there is an alignment, but sometimes not all is heard or received.

So we need to learn to speak in other languages, other vibrations, to fully touch Truth on many levels. The more we try to narrow or push, the...

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Do you follow fear, or Understand who you Are?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are benefitting from the power of the recent eclipses this Scorpio Season!

My personal meditations and ceremonies over the past 5 weeks have been profound, because I designed them to be. I know that eclipses open portals, doorways, and possibilities. So I have allowed myself to sit within the vortex, so that I can become...

During my own meditation a few weeks ago, I was shown my Solar Plexus, the seat of ego, identity, confidence, self-worth. In the shadow of this energy centre, we follow our fears, telling us that we are less than, weak, wrong. Or we witness the truth of who we really are, beyond the labels, projections, and judgements, and step into alignment with our higher aspects and Dharma.

I was shown my Solar Plexus as a sun, which I have witnessed before. But then I expanded out, and saw that there was not only 1 star, but a galaxy of stars, spinning and moving in a spiral. The message I received was that I am not one...

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When you feel hindered, how do you find your way?

Do you follow fear, or your future?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are navigating this eclipse season with some grace! The energy has been pretty intense over the past few weeks, and we have a few more to go before eclipse season draws to a close.  And in the spirit of using what is present to our advantage, I have an idea for you to lean into and consider...

The obstacle is the way.

This idea came to mind when | was teaching a workshop recently, and it has been present in my awareness since then. It comes from Roman Emperor and Stoic Philosopher, Marcus Aurelius. He wrote, "The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting. The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way." 

Over the past few weeks, I have been confronted with my oldest insecurities so that I can work through them and heal them. I had the privilege of meeting a favourite poet last weekend, and instead of fully...

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