Are you creating pain just to feel Relief?

I used to get migraines that medicine would only temporarily dampen, and they would last days at a time.
One day, I learned a trick…

I realised that eating wasabi peas made my head hurt less. So did chilli, curries, or anything that was painfully spicy.

The body has an amazing way of helping us cope. When we feel pain, the brain releases endorphins, which block the perception of pain. Endorphins are our natural pain relief.
What I was doing was creating more pain within my body so that my brain would create more relief.

It never stopped my headaches, but the contrast made me feel better.

I witness people creating drama and suffering in their lives. They fight with their partners, punish themselves for making mistakes, they eat too much, sleep too little, and continue to battle within….
Just to feel relief when it is over.

They aren’t solving the problems, moving beyond the old patterns or pain. Often there is no resolution or gain, but they create the illusion of...

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Suggestions for Self-Employment

Self-Employed: Strong Suggestions from my trial and error approach

I left my job 4 years ago.
I know! FOUR YEARS! I can’t believe it either!

The past 4 years have included many highs and lows, and everything in between. I get asked a lot about how I did it, how it has changed my life, and advice on what to do.
So here you go!

What I’ve learned in my 4 years of running my own business:

1. A leap of faith works, when you have an inner knowing, and a strong foundation.
Probably the best thing I did for myself was ease into self-employment. I’ve heard stories about the people who ditched the job on a whim and opened up a shop and were hugely successful and filthy rich in the first month. I love those stories. I was also pretty sure that I needed a way to gracefully progress.
I reduced my hours for 6 months, continued to build my client base, my reputation, and my skill. At that point, I felt that I had enough of a cushion to keep from panicking.
Here’s the key to why...

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How can you ensure success?

I am often asked about what it takes to be successful, about the belief systems that hinder our success, and what we can do to ensure success.

The best answer I’ve got: Immerse yourself in your craft, simply become so amazing at it that it becomes a part of you, and as you live and breathe it, success will come to you.

Over the years, I have offered hundreds of free taster sessions, attended numerous fairs, given talks, facilitated workshops, taught hundreds of courses, guided and healed thousands of clients… I did all of this with the intention of mastering my craft. I am fascinated with the energetic world, with vibration, with our intuition, and what is ‘beyond the veil’. I continue to deepen my understanding of what it is to be an energetic being living a human life in this plane, and love to witness this in my life and that of others. My curiosity and desire to experience and learn has inspired all that I have done.

Authentic beings...

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