Are you ready for the end of a Decade?

Hello beautiful beings!  I just wanted to check in today, as we near the end of a year, and the end of the decade!

Are you ready to truly live a life that is aligned with your Purpose?
Are you prepared to make different choices, that will contribute to living a life of alignment?
Are you willing to challenge your beliefs, your habits, your paradigm, so that you can create something better?

Most people I know would answer ‘YES’ to each of those questions, but then stumble or struggle with the application.  We often know which choices and actions would serve us, but fail to follow that wisdom.  We can see the path, but end up going in circles instead.
I find that understanding your inspiration can help you to find your path and follow it with focus!  We often need to remember the why in order to continue to choose.

To help you gain some clarity and some inspiration, here are a few points to ponder:

*How do you want to feel every day?...

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Are you ready to live your Fate?

(i.e. Are you choosing the path, or avoiding it?)
I don’t know about you, but the next month or two feels as though we are walking hand in hand with fate.
I just finished reading a new Stephen King book, where he talks about how the most important events move on a hinge.

Our choices initiate the swing of the hinge, and our actions commit us to the path.

I believe that we can make small subtle choices, continually adjusting, continually searching.  Or we can open wide, be courageous, and commit to the path that we are here to serve upon.
What we choose and commit to now, will ripple through our lives, our trajectories.  And you can choose to be aligned with Purpose, or you can take the long, hard road… Which will you choose?

A few questions to meditate on, to help you along the say:
*What am I carrying/doing that is weighing me down?  Does it really align? And will it still align in 6 months?

*Am I able to see the potential long-term effect of a...

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Our School in Cambodia is FINISHED!!

Our school in Cambodia is finished!

Many of you will know that I am part of a group of entrepreneurs, raising money to build a school in Cambodia.  I’m delighted to share that the school is finished!

Our team, lead by Alisoun Mackenzie, worked closely with Classroom of Hope to ensure that we were doing more than just building a building.  We wanted to ensure that the local district was invested in employing teachers to educate, and that there would be long term engagement within the community.
One of my main motivations for joining the team was to provide an opportunity for girls to be educated in a place that may need support to provide this.  We know that when girls are in school, they are less likely to be trafficked or abused, and that when they grow up, they invest heavily in their families and communities.

We plan to visit Cambodia and the school in January 2020!  As a team, we are also heavily researching the ways that we can...

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What is it that Guides you?

(i.e. Are you listening to your Heart or Head?)

How many courses of action are you choosing between right now? Are there too many to count?
Or are there a few clear paths which feel impossible to choose between?

The choices we make now will direct our experiences for the rest of the year.
What do you need to understand in order to make the most aligned choices?

*What are your priorities and what do you value in life?
*How do you want to FEEL?
*What do you want to experience?
*How do you want to spend your time?
*Which aspects of you/your personality do you want to express on a regular basis?
*Which strengths/talents could you express every day?

The more clear you can become about the quality of life you want to have, the easier it can feel to move into flow with it. Allow yourself to connect with the feeling, the essence, and worry less about the details.

And most importantly, get out of your head and into your heart. This has to be felt, intuited, and embodied. Breathe deep and sink in,...

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How well do you navigate Change?

(i.e. Are you resisting, or in flow?)

Hello beautiful beings! Happy New Moon and Solar Eclipse!
I just wanted to send a very quick message to you to help you in taking full advantage of the present energy, and over the next few days.

Eclipse energy is perfect for endings. We clear karmic ties, stop old habits and ways of being, we let go of obligation. And this eclipse is ending patterns from the past 6 months. So take a look back at 2019 so far, and make a list of all of the aspects, dynamics, behaviours that you are finished with. Complete those patterns, feel the ties fall away, release the obligations. It is time to liberate yourself! Can I get an AMEN?!

Today also marks the New Moon, which is a time for beginnings. So take a look at the next (possibly big and scary) steps, the ways you want to step up, the ways you’d like to adjust your course…

Ask yourself:
What would it take to make this happen?
What would I need to embrace to flow with this?
How could I...

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Are you making things harder than they have to be?

(i.e. Are you allowing support when it would serve you?)

Hello beautiful beings! It’s been awhile since I’ve connected in this way, it has been quite a year so far!

I know that for many of us, 2018 was a difficult year to navigate. We were provided with opportunities to face some of our biggest challenges and fears. And so 2019 is the year to not only face them, but to make the changes necessary so avoid creating what no longer serves. This process can feel unsettling, or often destructive. But as we release old ways of thinking and being, we create space to allow a more expansive present and future.

So what can you do to move forward with more grace?

*Identify your best sources of support, and lean in.
Who are the cheerleaders in your life? Who consistently encourages you to stretch beyond your comfort zone? Who offers to help you, support you, or simply listen, when you feel that you could really use it?
Schedule a coffee, an evening out, a weekend away, or regular chats...

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Are you being treated the way you DESIRE to be treated?

(i.e. Are you showing yourself the same respect you’d like within your relationships with others?)

As we approach the end of the year, we often look back to see what has worked, and what has not. And I find that any time something is not working, there is an opportunity to delve within, to understand what is ‘not working’ within. Our outer world reflects our inner, providing an opportunity to check in with what truly aligns in the present moment.

Over the past few weeks, issues around Honour and Respect have been discussed in sessions and classes. So many of us feel dissatisfied with our relationships, feeling that they are lacking in love, connection, consideration.
But the reality is that another cannot provide something that you yourself refuse to allow, or offer yourself.

How often do you diminish yourself through the choices you make?
How frequently do you put another before you, creating your own suffering?
Do you respect your time? Your energy? Your freedom?...

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Are you afraid of what you Desire?

(i.e. What are you afraid will happen if you allow yourself to have what you want?)

I listen to people frequently talk about what is lacking in life.  They visualise, speak, imagine, and work towards their ambitions and goals.  They work so hard to create.
These are also the same people who have a hard time receiving.  They reject compliments, support, affection, recognition.  And if you refuse to receive what you want, you can never expect to have it.
The reason we resist is because we are afraid.  We invest time and energy into stopping events, or trying to control others, because we are afraid of what would happen next.

My question for you:
Are you stopping yourself from receiving what you desire because you also fear making the change?

Your comfort zone is too small for your biggest dreams.
Your daily comforts and habits are minuscule, compared to your purpose.
Your ‘normal’ is duller than your deepest desires.

What are you afraid of?
What are your...

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Can your Vulnerability strengthen you?

(i.e. Is your stubbornness stopping your evolution?)

There is a part of me that can appreciate a little rebellion.  There are times when shaking up the ‘status quo’ is good for the world.  But I can also see how we can become stubborn or fixed when we feel that our rights or desires are being pushed or threatened.
Where does fixation become so fixed that we lose sight of our true desire?

The issue of ‘standing up for myself’ has come up pretty regularly with clients over the past few weeks.  When we delve into why it needs to be done, there is always a fear of being threatened, manipulated, or of something being taken away.

But you cannot be ‘manipulated’ without permitting.
Nothing can be taken from you without your allowing.
And you can never be threatened if you are not afraid.

We resist what we are afraid of, of what we do not understand.  And if you do not understand how to say no, set a boundary, change the dynamics,...

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What are you creating to gain permission?

(i.e. What do your negative emotions give you permission to do?)

I am often asked about the point of negative experiences, feelings, perspectives, and why we go through them.
There is a positive to EVERY perceived negative in existence.

If we are here to experience, learn, evolve, we can do this in an infinite number of ways.
And we are often motivated through extremes, especially when a situation brings us into discomfort, pain, and especially suffering.

We often hear stories about addicts hitting rock bottom, of partners within abusive relationships finally having had enough. People reach breaking point, and finally have the conversation that could have been spoken years ago. They become so unhealthy, physically or mentally, that the pain motivates them to choose change.
On some level, we can often believe that we have to get to the worst point in order to be motivated enough to take a new step.

Those moments when we feel hormonal, enraged, or indignant, often push us to act. But are...

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