Can you create without weapons, change without fear?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are embracing the Peaceful Warrior within you during this eclipse season!

The question that keeps coming through ask us: How can we fight without fighting?

Throughout this entire eclipse season we have been immersed in the themes of Mars: loyalty, dedication, and of finding a Mission that is Worthy.

When Mars, or we, are in our shadow, we may find that we want to fight, argue, be Right. Our anger may flare up, frustration tries to move us forward, to find a focus to follow. We know that the path of anger is one that is detrimental, that brings out our weaknesses, and leaves us feeling exhausted, flat, defeated.

But if we can identify and understand the Purpose within us, we can embody the gifts of these transits, and live as the inner 'Guru' that we truly are.

The Guru is not one that seeks worship, praise, or disempowerment. The Inner Guru leads us to the Divine, Soul, it takes our prayers to God/Source, so that we can abide with...

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The Darkening, as it makes way for the Light

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are navigating this eclipse season with a lot of grace! I've spent the past 4 weeks in meditation and deep contemplation, asking less about what I should be, and more about what I can complete.

Today, I pulled a the Darkening card (Wild Unknown Alchemy), and it summed up so much of what I have been exploring over the past weeks. This card reminded me of the benefit of sunset, eclipses, and releasing fixation on what has been, so that those timelines and karma can finish. A reminder that we require a darkening of what no longer lives, an opportunity for tabula rasa, a clean slate, in a sense, so that light can shine and grow us in new ways.

The upcoming Scorpio Eclipse provides an opportunity not only to gain clarity on this, but to allow this work on some very deep levels. The full moon will darken during the eclipse, helping us to resolve some of our deepest wounds, and leave the past perceptions and emotions behind. Through this...

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What is beginning to bloom inside of you? 

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying the eclipse energy, and feeling grounded by Taurus season! 

Because we are between eclipses, I have been doing a lot of healing and meditating on what is evolving within me now, and ways that I am being prepared for the next 6 months and beyond. 

The image/message I keep receiving is on expansion of energy, and allowing it to  move beyond my own contained space, and into the further collective, and our evolution within humanity.

Pluto is now in Aquarius, which connects us with the wider world, and changes that shape a generation. This pulls us out of our smaller issues, and shines light on the collective, so that we are able to heal, not only for ourselves, but also for the wider world, the planet, and everything on this earth. 

I've been shown the growth of flowers and trees over time, and how nature builds, not from reaction and pain, but from a place of higher intelligence and understanding. And we can grow...

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Does your quality of life match your deepest desires?

What is the quality of the life you lead? (Relationships post 3)

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling more energized and inspired, awakening from the slumber of the Winter months!

This post is the third in a series of three (click Here and Here for the other two). Today we'll focus on a powerful driver for the relationships we create, and the life we lead. And it all revolves around our ability to gain clarity on the quality of life you want to live.

Understanding this ties in heavily with how you want to feel, and what you value, but once we gain clarity on quality, it helps us to lay the foundation for the way we live, and what we subsequently create.

For many many reasons, we can often settle in terms of quality. This shows up in buying choices based in lack, accepting items that do not last, and that we do not really love. You may see clothing in your wardrobe that just hangs there unused, because the items don't feel great when you wear...

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Do your feelings motivate you in the healthiest ways?

How do you build a healthy relationship, part 2

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are navigating the beginning of eclipse season with grace! This Aries eclipse is a personal one, that may be working through your energy field, helping you to address your perception of yourself, to remember who you came here to be. (You're welcome to join us online 19 April to heal and evolve with the Aries Eclipse)

Today's newsletter is the second of three, addressing the relationships we create with ourselves and the world around us. (Review last week's blog here)

And today, I want to address the ways you want to feel...

We know that the way we feel has a profound effect on the way we perceive life, and our quality of experience. When we feel hurt, pain, shame, fear, it motivates us to act. But as we know, we can choose words and actions that do not align with integrity or respect when we come from a place of hurt.

Our 'negative' feelings are so important, because they let...

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How do you build a healthy relationship?

Today is World Health Day, and while we often view or talk about health in terms of the physical, I wanted to move us into the realm of the Relational. Today's post is the first in a series of 3, and hopefully a great way to get you started! 

I have repeatedly witnessed in every facet, physical, emotional, spiritual, that gaining clarity on what it means to have healthy boundaries, allows everything else to fall into place.

But we overcomplicate it, we project our past problems onto a concept that we could simplify, and become overwhelmed with surface solutions that never reach the heart of the matter.

So let's strip away the excess..

A powerful first step towards moving into healthier alignment is to recognise what you value.

Your values will motivate your choices on every level. But sometimes we can be motivated in unhealthy ways. We may want more freedom, so we create hard barriers to connection, make ourselves unavailable, or say no to...

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Are you following the beat or feeling lost in the world?

Today, I wanted to simply connect with you about finding the beat, and what it means to be in flow, and then 'stick the landing'.

In times of great change, initiation, creativity, expansion, we can move out of ourselves, meaning the conditioning and fixed perspectives that can weigh us down and cause us to drag. The dragging can feel like monotony, depression, closing off, retreating within, or simply losing the feeling of life, colour, texture.

But sometimes, within the vortex of change, we can feel a  bit lost, overwhelmed, or that we have lost touch with the touchstones that give us a sense of direction, rhythm, momentum, the beat of life.

So really, its about learning to dance the flow of living.

In reality, we are meant to colour outside of the lines, to add beauty to the mundane. While also remembering to stick the landing, to hit the 'one' beat.

Think of it like jazz, modern dance, gymnastics, ecstatic movement, where you feel unencumbered, but know that there is an...

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Have you been waiting for your fresh start?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying your final day of Winter, and feeling ready to step into Spring!

Over the years, I have witnessed clients and students create some pretty incredible changes in their bodies, minds, and lives. And while those grand shifts are inspiring and exciting to watch, they never happen without the implementation of some healthy boundaries, choices, practices, both before and after.

We already operate within so many cycles, rhythms, and patterns. We live with seasonal changes, growth and die off of the natural world, a dance with the elements around and within. And the more that we can tune into the cycles of life, the easier it becomes to navigate.

I have been holding online events over the past 5+ years, connecting with the cycles of the moon, Solstices, Equinoxes, Eclipses, because I know that when we tap into the bigger picture, we can ride the energetic waves, recognise when it is time to rest and reassess, and when to take a...

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How RICH does your life feel?

(I've written over the past few months about STER: Selflessness, Timelessness, Effortless, and now Richness. Click on the links to catch up/review)

Whenever I think about Richness, I think about a quality, an experience, a feeling of something full, abundant, complete. I remember things like a complex red wine, dark chocolate, damp soil, a thick duvet...

When I think about richness within life, that feeling of fullness comes back again and again. That time isn't sitting empty, that what we consume is full of flavor, nothing missing, nothing watered down. That the experience is full of wisdom, or possibility, nurturing, or freedom, and that it will either continue to impact, and/or will draw something else in that is also plentiful or abundant.

I think that over the past years, we have suffered through periods where life did not feel rich. We felt robbed of connection, the ability to move or travel, the possibility of making firm plans for the future....

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How Effortless could your Life be?

Towards the end of last year, I began to write a series of blog posts on STER, and got a little sidetracked by eclipses, holiday season, etc. It was the perfect example of how we can lose focus and wander away from what we seek, even when it is right before us! So today, we continue to Effortlessness and the beauty that lies within. (If you'd like to catch up/refresh, you can read about STER, Selflessness, and Timelessness via links within)


For just a moment, close your eyes and play with the word effortless...

Notice its qualities in your mouth, in your mind, through your body, your senses...


Even just pondering the qualities of this word and the sensations associated begin to bring you into a state of peace, calm, release, surrender. It actually feels pretty blissful!

So why do we move away from it so often, so easily?


If you're anything like me, you are used to trying hard, doing, striving, pushing, making things...

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