Ready for the next Eclipse Portal?

Hello beautiful beings,

I hope you’re feeling empowered in the energetic shifts as we move towards Spring!

As I reflected on my offerings and the ways I love to support you, one thing was clear—The Eclipse Package has been a powerful and transformative experience for so many over the past few years. Bringing it back for this season felt like an easy and exciting YES!


Our next Eclipse Season is fast approaching, and if you’re feeling the pull to work 1:1 with me during this powerful time, now is the moment to say yes!

For a limited time, I’m offering a 30% reduction on my usual pricing for a special Eclipse Package designed to help you navigate this potent transformation.

Here’s what’s included:

  • 4 private 75-minute sessions (held between 18 Feb – 18 April)
  • 2 live group online events aligned with the Virgo + Aries Eclipses
  • Total cost: £444 (normally £620 – saving you...
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Could you Love your Dharma?

Uncategorized Feb 14, 2025

I was recently introduced to a powerful concept - Amor Fati, the Love of Fate. Rooted in Stoic philosophy, it invites us to release attachment to outcomes and circumstances, to embrace acceptance, and to see life’s challenges as opportunities for growth.

So far, these first six weeks (or has it been six months?!) of the year have been marked by upheaval and uncertainty. Many have watched their best-laid plans unravel at the last moment or fail to take off entirely. At best, they feel deflated or frustrated; at worst, desperate.

In times like these, Amor Fati feels like both an answer and a challenge. On my best days, loving my fate feels effortless - like following an unseen thread of curiosity, trusting in the richness of the unfolding. But when things go “wrong,” nothing about it feels easy.

Today, on Valentine’s Day, we are encouraged to love more deeply - to celebrate romantic and intimate relationships, to reconnect with the love within our...

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The Practice + The Practiced

Uncategorized Feb 11, 2025

I’ve drifted in and out of devotion to my practices over the years. Strengthening one, loosening another. Some I release, some I reclaim. The adjusting isn’t the problem - it’s the dropping.

When I fall out of practice, I lose my muchness. Like Alice in Wonderland, being told, “You're not the same as you were before. You were much more… muchier. You've lost your muchness.”

I know it isn’t the ritual itself - the meditation, the movement, the conscious breath - that makes me muchier. It’s what devotion to the practice cultivates.

Our practices shape us. They shape our minds, our bodies, our emotional states, and the ways we perceive the world. Rituals center us within ourselves, making us less likely to drift, to dissociate, to forget the importance of Now.

The beauty is that you get to choose the shape you take. Dance will do it. So will painting. Or making tea, watching a flame flicker, washing your hands with intention.


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Moving from still waters to Sacred Flow

Uncategorized Jan 27, 2025

I hope that you are enjoying a day that you can mark as meaningful.

Over the past few days, I’ve had the immense honor of working with incredible clients as they step courageously into growth, choosing expansion over fear. Yesterday, I co-facilitated a retreat day focused on mindfulness and gracefully deepening intuition. And today, I finished a book gifted by a student (thank you, O!)—a book that shook me awake in ways I don't yet fully understand. It stirred old despair from its hiding place, and (I hope!) daring it to evolve into inspired action. I don’t yet know what effects will unfold, but I’m deeply grateful for the quiet nudges of 'invisible forces' guiding me toward change.

I had intended to simply announce my upcoming program, inviting you to join me if it resonates within your heart. Yet, as I reflect on the meaningful moments that have illuminated my own days, I remember something essential: we are meant for more than just sleepwalking...

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Walk the Path of Awakening - Healing, Boundaries & Flow Await

Uncategorized Jan 07, 2025

Hello beautiful beings, and happy new year! I wanted to reach out and briefly share some information for an upcoming series of events that I have prepared for you - my hope is that it will resonate in many levels, and serve in many ways!

Is there a call from your soul to shed the old, reclaim your strength, and step into alignment? That’s what this 3-day series is designed for: Healing, Boundaries, and Flow.

Together, we’ll dive into the heart of what keeps you stuck, strengthen the sacred yes and no in your life, and unlock the magic of living in harmony with yourself and the world around you.


Here’s what you’ll experience over 3 transformative days:

  • Healing: Release karmic cycles, purify your energy, and reconnect with your higher purpose.
  • Boundaries: Anchor into your values, reclaim your time, and make healthier, more empowered choices.
  • Flow States: Discover the rhythm that lets life move through you...
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Navigating the End of One Year and the Beginning of Another

Uncategorized Dec 31, 2024

This time of year feels strange, doesn’t it? The energy doesn’t quite align with the idea of a “new year.” It’s more reflective, slower—less about fireworks and more about whispers of what’s to come.

But here’s the beauty: any day can mark a fresh start. A shift in belief. A leap into a new paradigm. A commitment to a practice that moves you forward with grace.

As we move into 2025, let’s embody this truth—today, and in the days ahead.

Ask yourself:

  • What am I ready to set aside? What burdens or outdated obligations could I surrender to create space for something better?
  • What’s the one thing I could release right now that would make the biggest impact? A habit that breeds drama, suffering, or pain—what if this was the year I left it behind?
  • If I allowed myself to dream BIG—really big—what would I admit to wanting? And what small step could I take today to make it real?
  • If I...
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The Fool, Thresholds, and the Pause of Solstice

We’re approaching one of the most profound moments in the year—the Winter Solstice. This is one of my favorite times, a natural pause point that invites reflection, release, and renewal. When I think about time, it doesn’t feel linear. Time feels like a pendulum, swinging through cycles of expansion and contraction, action and rest.

The Solstice marks the turning of the tide, the moment when the upswing transforms into the downswing. And, more importantly, it highlights the imperceptible pause in between—the weightless, timeless space where all motion ceases.

In that suspended breath, there’s no push, no pull. No gravity. Just stillness. A moment to be.

When I meditate on this energy, the archetype that rises is The Fool. Standing on the edge of a great Threshold, eyes closed, heart open. There’s a tender, powerful beauty in The Fool’s posture—balancing between falling and flying, poised at the brink of something new. This isn’t...

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The Solution is in How You Frame the Problem

Lately, I've been meditating on solutions—really leaning into the energy of them. There’s been soul-searching, deep pondering, and, if I’m honest, moments of frustration where I’ve demanded clarity.

Here’s what I know to be true: for every problem, there is a solution. Always. But here’s the catch—if we don’t fully understand the problem, we can miss the answer altogether. It’s like trying to treat symptoms without addressing the root cause.

The quality of our questions determines the quality of our answers. If the questions are murky or shallow, the answers we receive will mirror that. And when the answers feel convoluted or make us even more confused, its often because we haven’t stated the problem clearly enough.

So, let me ask you: how do you frame your problems to yourself?


Digging Deeper into the Problem

Over the past few months, I’ve noticed how quickly I label the things that feel 'off' in my life....

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How do you know where to go when you can't see the way?

Navigating uncertainty can feel like stepping into a foggy unknown. Your mind may play tricks, your body might freeze in fear, or you could feel the pull to flee. Even knowing where to begin can feel like a puzzle with no edges.

I’ve walked through seasons where I’ve been keenly aware of living in the liminal—that in-between space where one paradigm has dissolved, but the next hasn’t fully emerged. Most of the time, I’ve leaned on my intuition, following whispers of guidance and trusting the subtle nudges. But there have also been moments when I’ve felt swallowed by darkness, adrift in uncertainty, with no clear path forward.

Sound familiar?

When fear seemingly takes over, it creates the illusion of a barrier between you and your intuition. The connection is never lost, but the static of self-doubt and worry can drown out your inner knowing. This can feel disorienting, isolating, even unnatural.

Often, we react to this by freezing or...

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How do you honour an ending?

Lately, I’ve been writing and teaching about the art of honoring endings, and the sacred release and the lightness they bring. As the final month of the year greets us, we naturally begin to set aside projects, goals, and to-do lists, clearing space for what’s next. This weekend brings a dark new moon, closing one cycle and offering a clean slate. New moons have a way of whispering freedom—freedom from the past, from roles we’ve outgrown, from plans that no longer resonate.

Let this be your invitation to pause and reflect....


A Year of Growth, Even Through Difficulty

For many, this year has been a test of endurance, resilience, and faith. You might feel more than ready to close the chapter, to rush into a fresh beginning. But instead of wishing these days away, I encourage you to slow down and reflect.

Even in difficulty, growth unfolds.

If the year has challenged you, it has also shaped your strength.

If the road felt unclear, you honed your inner...

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