Are your 'Wounds' creating Conflict or Empathy?

Hello human beings, I hope that you are feeling inspired by the beginning of Spring!  We are at the start of a new month with the energy of a new moon, at the beginning of an astrological new year!  So it sounds like the perfect time for a fresh start, right? 

Well, yes, but first...


Energetically, the energy of our essence (the Sun), our emotional and intuitive body (the Moon), the ways we communicate and think (Mercury) will be conjunct/connected in the energy of the Warrior (Aries/Mars)...  

So it may feel empowering for these energies to be moving forward, ready to be inspired, seeking passion and direction.  But if we haven't identified a path or direction that will keep that fire burning through healthy alignment, the fire could either go out, we could burn out, or 'burn' those around us, in an attempt to keep the excitement alive.


AND, all of this energy will be sitting...

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Is it possible to bring Heaven to Earth?

Hello human beings, I hope that you are feeling beautifully aligned! There are SO MANY things happening right now, and with our approach to a new sign of fiery Aries, and a new season, you may be feeling a push to get things done, but not feel you have the energy/grounding to make it happen.  Sound familiar?

Here's the good news- The moon has just entered Virgo, and for the next 2+ days, we are going to be guided in clearer ways.


The mutable Earth energy of Virgo is nearly halfway through the zodiac, nearly half way through a journey.  This is the point where we are committed to the path, have benefitted from the effort and learning, have an idea of what lies ahead, and a willingness to see it through.  We're in for the long-haul.

So if we look at the human journey as birth into human form, learning about how to interact and create within this plane, and then sharing this with humanity as an act of service, before we exit left, this is the point...

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Are you tangled in the past or expanding in the present?

Over the past few weeks, I have had the most interesting dreams!  Most of them have included places and people from my childhood and early adult years, with repeating themes and outcomes.  It has been fascinating to witness how my subconscious mind is playing out what it feels is unresolved.

Pisces energy is often very dreamy, watery, illusory, and deep.  And as you know, the deeper you go in a body of water, the darker it gets, the more pressure you feel.  So when we dream, this is often a time for our mind to go fishing into the depths, to see what needs attention, understanding, or healing.

The image that I get whenever I meditate on these issues is an untangling.  We know that when we pull cord or string that is tangled, we usually make it worse.  If we try to untangle it too fast, without assessing, we just add to the mess.

So what I have been doing is allowing my mind and my energy to float in the watery energy and to untangle itself...

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Are you able to unite the divine within?

As the feminine Moon has moved into Leo, the sign of the masculine Sun, (and currently Venus and Mars are dancing together in the cosmos), there is a great calling to create a union within.

Within family and society, we are taught that the Feminine and Masculine are separate entities or energies, that they often fail to match or work together well.  We may have had parents or families that struggled to communicate or nurture the 'other'. But in reality, like most things within this plane, there is a spectrum, and we all move within it (often swinging between extremes), expressing different aspects through our choices and actions.

Think back to what you were taught in your childhood about what boys played with, wore, did, versus girls. And remember your parents' characteristics and the ways they carried themselves, expressed themselves, interacted with each other and the world...

These subconsciously shape our ideas of what female and male are, what they...

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Are you able to cultivate new Hope?

Hello human beings, I hope you are enjoying the lightness of this New Moon!  I always feel a little bit lucky and lighter around a new moon, but this one in particular has some 'magic' to it.  Not magic in a flighty, insincere way.  It has a deep, grounded, tangible, presence... 

We entered into Aquarius Season over a week ago, and with the shift in energy, I have been feeling more HOPE.

Hope hasn't always felt tangible over the past few years.  There has been a lot of change, delay, and uncertainty, which over a prolonged period of time, can begin to wear away the shine.

But it is at these times that Hope is really learned.  It is through practice of active hope that we really are able to embody this powerful virtue.  

Hope is not a passing fancy, a lazy wish.  Hope is not indecision.  It is not illusion, or an attempt to fool ourselves (though we often try to use it in this way).

Hope is an...

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How do you rationalise your Indecision?

There is currently a funny mix in the cosmos: lots of moving cardinal earth in Capricorn, a lot of energy in fixed air Aquarius, and Mercury Retrograde moving the air backwards, and Venus is finishing its retrograde, drawing the heart into the past.  So a fascinating mix of walking forward while your mind loops back into where it gets stuck, with your heart trying to mend old wounds and attempting to re-write stories.  Its weird.  But not bad.  I find that whenever we move into energy that is this disruptive, where one moves against or around another, it can often aid in shifting what we have most stubbornly held.  Amen to liberation!

As we are working with a lot of Air right now, I wanted to explore thought, the mind, the way we process information, choice, cause and effect...


The mind is a fascinating thing to behold.  Thoughts come and go, leading from one to another.  When we look back upon them, we can see the 'logic' of how one...

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Do your choices follow your mind or heart?

Hello human beings!  I hope that your year has started with love, grace, and joy!

With aspects of the world unravelling and time unfolding in new and often unexpected ways, I am continually reminded that we chose an interesting time to exist in this world!  Congratulations for your courage, you are here to help shape a new future.


We are currently held by a lot of Capricorn energy, which wants to support high ideals and standards, integrity and strength.  We want to build cathedrals, inspiring works of art, what is holy and divine.  With Capricorn, we want to build beauty, for now and the future.  We dream bigger, bolder, but grounded in what will be of service, and have a lasting impact for good.

And with a full moon in watery Cancer, we connect more consciously with emotion and intuition, and it quickly becomes clear where our dreams match with our current state of being, and where they do not.


As human beings, we can have...

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What are you willing to Surrender, to begin anew?

Today marks the end of a year, tomorrow we move into another...

While having a clear focus on what you want to do and where you want to go is important, the real first step is to surrender the obstacles that impede flow into the new. 

Today, spend some time in meditation, reflect on the past year, and identify what you are willing to burn, purge, to liberate from your energy


* What am I willing to surrender within my mind?: identities, roles, obligations, conversations, beliefs, projections


* What am I willing to surrender within my heart?: heartache, suffering, barriers, anger, fear, sorrow


* What am I willing to surrender in my surroundings?: clutter, superstition, the 'old me', obligation, the past


* What am I willing to surrender in my body?: pain, illness, disorder, control, weakness


* What am I willing to surrender in my relationships?: fear, projection, conflict, untruth, disappointment, fear


* What else am I willing to surrender...

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Can you feel negative emotions without Suffering?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are navigating the end of eclipse season with lots of grace and love!  We are in a powerful portal, leading up to the Solstice on the 21st.  If you are feeling stagnant, it is time to shake yourself up!  If you are feeling lost, it is time to come back home, back to heart and soul.


In the Northern Hemisphere, we are navigating the end of Autumn, harvesting gifts and lessons, integrating the experiences we have lived since Spring, and receiving all that we can, in order to embody the wisdom that has been offered.  

From the 21st, we begin the descent into Winter, and into the depths of ourselves.  We turn our focus inward, to recognise the significance of our conversations, decisions, karma, and the courses of action taken.  It is a time for reckoning, healing, and resolution.

As we move into Winter, end of the astrological year, it can bring up strong views on the word Death, on endings, and on...

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How do you create opportunities for Expansion?

Hello beautiful beings!  We are currently between 2 eclipses, and heading deeper into Sagittarius Season!  This week is an ideal time to shed old skins, masks, roles, identities.  And as you create spaciousness within, you gain clarity to choose what will support and nurture you over the coming season.

Take time this week to sit and breathe.  Connect with your body and emotions.  Seek the deeper meaning in what you feel and what you experience.  The answers are within.

If we fight against, we become small and fixed.  But this is a time to expand.  Allow yourself to expand your mind, and what you think you know.  This is how we learn.

Allow yourself to expand your heart and the ways you experience life.  This is how we learn to shift our emotional states and the way we feel in this world.

Allow yourself to expand your focus and the ways you view others around you.  This is how we see beyond what can be seen.


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