What are you willing to Surrender, to begin anew?

Today marks the end of a year, tomorrow we move into another...

While having a clear focus on what you want to do and where you want to go is important, the real first step is to surrender the obstacles that impede flow into the new. 

Today, spend some time in meditation, reflect on the past year, and identify what you are willing to burn, purge, to liberate from your energy


* What am I willing to surrender within my mind?: identities, roles, obligations, conversations, beliefs, projections


* What am I willing to surrender within my heart?: heartache, suffering, barriers, anger, fear, sorrow


* What am I willing to surrender in my surroundings?: clutter, superstition, the 'old me', obligation, the past


* What am I willing to surrender in my body?: pain, illness, disorder, control, weakness


* What am I willing to surrender in my relationships?: fear, projection, conflict, untruth, disappointment, fear


* What else am I willing to surrender...

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Can you feel negative emotions without Suffering?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are navigating the end of eclipse season with lots of grace and love!  We are in a powerful portal, leading up to the Solstice on the 21st.  If you are feeling stagnant, it is time to shake yourself up!  If you are feeling lost, it is time to come back home, back to heart and soul.


In the Northern Hemisphere, we are navigating the end of Autumn, harvesting gifts and lessons, integrating the experiences we have lived since Spring, and receiving all that we can, in order to embody the wisdom that has been offered.  

From the 21st, we begin the descent into Winter, and into the depths of ourselves.  We turn our focus inward, to recognise the significance of our conversations, decisions, karma, and the courses of action taken.  It is a time for reckoning, healing, and resolution.

As we move into Winter, end of the astrological year, it can bring up strong views on the word Death, on endings, and on...

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How do you create opportunities for Expansion?

Hello beautiful beings!  We are currently between 2 eclipses, and heading deeper into Sagittarius Season!  This week is an ideal time to shed old skins, masks, roles, identities.  And as you create spaciousness within, you gain clarity to choose what will support and nurture you over the coming season.

Take time this week to sit and breathe.  Connect with your body and emotions.  Seek the deeper meaning in what you feel and what you experience.  The answers are within.

If we fight against, we become small and fixed.  But this is a time to expand.  Allow yourself to expand your mind, and what you think you know.  This is how we learn.

Allow yourself to expand your heart and the ways you experience life.  This is how we learn to shift our emotional states and the way we feel in this world.

Allow yourself to expand your focus and the ways you view others around you.  This is how we see beyond what can be seen.


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Does your Reality reflect your Values?

Hello humans!  I hope that you are navigating this Scorpio Season with grace!  At the moment, things may be feeling a little intense, unsteady, or overwhelming.  Now is the time to breathe deep, dig deep, and recognise that the discomfort or pain that is surfacing is simply what needs your attention right now.  And as you address the issues being highlighted, you heal.  Not through avoidance, running away, or sweeping things under the rug, but by embracing the opportunity to heal instead of hide There is no way out, only through.

And if you can embrace this, your Eclipse Season (we're in it now!) is going to feel much more manageable!  We are approaching a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, and this one will be particularly powerful because it will be highlighting our earthliness, our quality of life as human beings.


This week has a huge emphasis on quality of life, particularly embodied living, being present within your...

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Some news!!

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying the autumn season, the longer nights, and time to reflect!

I have a few announcements to make, and I am so excited to share the news with you!

The first is that the school in Lombok, Indonesia we've raised money for has been built in under a week! It is the world’s second earthquake-resistant school made of recycled plastic blocks – turning plastic waste into a valuable commodity AND using technology that enables robust schools and homes to be built in under a week.  (Watch the build HERE!)

Our team has raised £24k of the £28k needed, and we have created an online auction to cover the final costs.

Prizes include a week in North Provence, online courses, creative experiences, paintings, candles, and small gifts under £50. Or there's the option to Just Donate or purchase a Sponsor a Block Gift Certificate (a great gift!). Check the auction out HERE




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How can your Ancestors guide you?

Happy Halloween beautiful beings, I hope you are enjoying the energy this weekend!  Over the next few days, the veil 'thins', we are able to more easily connect with and witness what is beyond the physical realm.  

Each year, I spend this time meditating with my ancestors.  What I have learned is that they contain a vast amount of knowledge, wisdom, and experience.  I have recognised that so much of my strength, discernment, and faith have been interited, and have grown within me through each choice to apply them and evolve.

Your ancestors were the survivors, the warriors, as well as the singers, artists, and inventors.  They were skilled, dedicated, and knowledgeable.  I know that we can often get caught up in the belief that we have to dedicate so much time and energy to healing them, that we forget all that we can gain from our connection with them.

Schedule some time this weekend to remember the gifts within your ancestral lines, to feel them...

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What principles did you learn as a child that you can be guided by now?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope you're enjoying the final days of Libra Season, and are feeling the benefits of planets moving direct!  Keep allowing the Air element to revitalise and breathe life into new ideas!


Over the past week, the message I have been receiving intuitively is this:

Strip back, strip back, strip back.  Release complication and return to a simpler state...

The guidance has been to declutter physically, to detox the body (gently!), and to release any distractions or complications that are pulling us off track.


The moon is now in the energy of Aries, cardinal fire, the beginning of the zodiac.  As the 'youngest' of the signs, Aries energy is strong, fiery, and desires action, but can sometimes be immature, naive, too hasty, acting without consideration.  The key to working with Cardinal Fire is to re-ignite the purity of spirit within and follow the simplest path...


I heard Russel Brand say something a few...

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What are you choosing that erodes your Confidence?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that this week you feel that you have more space to breathe!  We progressed into Autumn and into Libra Season, where our fixed judgements can be set aside, to breathe new life into fresh ideas and paradigms!  I am so excited to witness what will unfold! 


As I feel into the energy of October, there is a pull inward and then outward, like breathing.  In the northern hemisphere, we are moving into longer nights, less time with the sun.  One of the benefits is that we are called into home, and into ourselves, with more time to examine the outer world that you have been living in, and the ways it resonates with the inner realm...

The 'outer world' is created by the ways we relate and perceive.  Our relationships with our friends, family, work/life balance, money, movement, time all reflect the relationship we have with ourselves.  And so if the outer paradigm is not what you would wish...

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How are you navigating the liminal spaces?

Hello beautiful beings, I am delighted to share with you my newest offerings!  I have been crafting these over the past few years, and am honoured to co-create these sacred events with my tribe.

Personal Bespoke Initiation Ceremonies! 

I have been offering larger group Initiation Ceremonies since 2015, which have facilitated profound experiences for initiates to learn and heal.  These have ranged in focus around ancestral healing, psychic senses, leadership, the masculine and feminine, and harnessing the elements.  The power of the collective has facilitated exponential shifts on so many levels through these events, and I have been working to create similar effects, but with a smaller group. The personal ceremonies can be tailored for an individual, a couple, a family, or tribe/friends/co-workers.  

With a bespoke ceremony, you will work with me to plan the most aligned time and focus.  This could be held...

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Are you flowing with harmony, or fixed in the extremes?

This week is a profound one, so I wanted to spend some time walking you through the energies at play, so that you can dance with them, instead of fight against them!

We spent the past 2 weeks with watery Neptune flooding us with emotion, intuition, dreams.  Some of us have felt caught in storms, drowning, unable to breathe.  All of this, along with the Full Moon in Pisces (which is ruled by Neptune) has really highlighted our relationship with the water element, and the ways it influences/enhances our lives.

For those of you ready to dry out, I have good news!  On Wednesday we change seasons with the Equinox, and the Sun moves into Libra.  Let's break this down a bit...


At the Equinox, day and night are of equal length, which reminds us that we are neither all dark nor all light.  We are complex, layered, deep and interesting.  And though we often try to make things appear 'black or white', to simplify or ease our minds, life is rarely that...

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