Are you able to embrace the gifts of Fire?

Hello fire dancers and soothsayers!  Who is feeling the power of the Fire Element at play this month?  Leo season has a unique quality that makes it particularly potent.  We are approaching a power day on 8/8 (the Lion's Gate), which is the same day of the New Moon, so even further amplified.  And we are between two Aquarius Full Moons, connecting with air, which feeds the fire as well.  For any of you waiting for a 'good' time to create, manifest, purify your self or your life, now is the time!

For me personally, the energy of Leo always reminds me of the term 'Lion-Heart'.  It is the culmination and combination of all that this season embodies...

Summer, heat, rejuvenation, burn, purify, inspiration, liberation, love, compassion, tribe, pride, courage, the Sun, royalty, nobility, regal, kingdom, sovereignty...

Here in this fiery portal, we have the capacity to bask in the sun, relax, and recharge.  Our muscles can stretch and...

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Are you surfing in the sun, or struggling in the depths?

Hello cosmic beings, I hope that you are swimming along happily with all of the water energy at play!

We are entering the darkness of a New Moon in Cancer, where the element of water can purify, and wash us clean.  Within the darkness, we release our attachment to labels, ideas, roles, and ideals.  Picture yourself in a sensory deprivation tank (if you have been in one before), or simply imagine floating in total darkness and silence...

Recognise that the water holds you, you remain buoyant, relaxed in its support. You rest between water and air, breathing deeply, your body expanding and releasing any tension or stress within. And because there is no sound, no light, nothing outside of you to stimulate your senses, you are able to draw your focus within, to the light, sound, and sensation within.  And there is just so much there...

Layers of feeling, a vast spectrum of emotion, textured, aged, ancient and new...

Colours, lights, shapes, mixing and...

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Are you Dedicated or Obligated?

Hello Navigators, I trust that you are moving through this eclipse portal with grace!

Right now, we are between the Full and New Moons, moving from shedding to creating.  Continue releasing-the more you do, the easier the next steps become.  Allow yourself to become weightless, burdenless, and even rudderless... Find the point of floating in serene silence, and then you will be ready for the next thought, step, act of creation.


We have moved from a mutable Sagittarius Full Moon and are heading towards a mutable Gemini New Moon.  The energy around is flowing, changing, mutating elements of our lives, bodies, and minds.  If we allow ourselves to get caught up in trying to control, we stop the magic before it can fully be realised.

Slow down, become still, allow yourself to deepen your breath, focus, attention, introspection. See if you can ask questions without jumping to a conclusion or fixed state of with the possibility and enjoy...

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Are you ready for Eclipse Season?

Hope is an interesting word. I think that for many of us, it brings a mix of perspectives and memories.  People are afraid to hope, have felt let down by it, feel it is beyond grasp or understanding, or are simply unfamiliar with it.

I see hope as a very grounded experience of manifesting in alignment with our true selves, and making choices that create possibilities for what we deeply desire.

True hope is not false, airy-fairy, or ungrounded.  It is something that can be made tangible and real, something you can invite into the physical, into your relationships, into your plans and creations.


We are approaching a New Moon in Taurus, a truly magical time to begin new projects, new relationships, new habits and ways of living.  (Or simply revamp what you've got so that it works and feels fresh, healthy!)

And on Wednesday, we enter eclipse season, 6 weeks where the veils thin, where the immovable begins to soften, where stubbornness can surrender, and we can...

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What will you relinquish to set yourself free?

We have entered March, but are not quite yet marching ahead (that comes towards the end of the month)!

Here, in the final sign of the zodiac, the last of winter, we enter the end.  And the endings are up to you.

I see this time of year as a period between, not quite a rebirth, but a dying of sorts.  Death often evokes fear of loss, a degree of grief, as we release what is known.  But these periods of death invite powerful liberation, an opportunity to shed the old, to become more free.  We often strive for the new beginning, a new way to feel or live, but until we allow the old to die away, we are unable to fully embody the light and lightness or the dawn.

Allow yourself to take some time to immerse yourself in the waters that will wash away what no longer thrives.  Swim deep into yourself, into your dreams, your intuition, the aspects of you that fully understand your capacity to relinquish what has held you.  This requires courage, a...

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Embodied Living: Are you in Flow, or battling the world around you?

Hello beautiful beings!  I just wanted to send a bit of information today about the power of initiation and embodied living.  October promises to be the most transformational month of 2020, which we can either fight against, or learn to harness the power for our benefit.

The initiation process can be a bumpy ride, to say the least.  We can often feel tossed into the abyss, without light or guidance to navigate the change. But there are things that we can do to bring form into the formless, to give some foundation and direction.  Here are a few of the best I've found:

1. Set your non-negotiable priorities and follow them! This involves you deciding what really has value in your life (including possessions, experiences, relationships, quality of life, etc), and saying No to what doesn't align, and a big Hell Yes to what does!  If you do not choose what you want, you'll get to experience anything and everything that the universe has on...

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Virgo New Moon: Are you planting seeds that you truly want to grow?

We are moving towards an amazing New Moon in Virgo. I wanted to break this down a bit so that you can take full advantage of the magic we're immersed in this week!

First, the New Moon...  I see it as tabula rasa, a clean slate.  Take a moment to feel into the energy of a clean slate, a new beginning.  Feel the calm, the quiet, a sense of peace.

The New Moon is dark, without light.  For some, this can feel unnerving, with an inability to see what is coming, what we are moving towards.  But in the darkness, the past is erased, there is no set path to follow, nothing to fulfill.  You are there in the quiet, within your heart, fully present.  And fully open to possibility.


In the few days surrounding the New Moon, we plant seeds for the coming weeks and beyond.  We are able to make decisions regarding the experiences we would like to have, the ways we want to feel, and the quality of life that we want to live.

Close your...

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How well do you navigate Change?

(i.e. Are you resisting, or in flow?)

Hello beautiful beings! Happy New Moon and Solar Eclipse!
I just wanted to send a very quick message to you to help you in taking full advantage of the present energy, and over the next few days.

Eclipse energy is perfect for endings. We clear karmic ties, stop old habits and ways of being, we let go of obligation. And this eclipse is ending patterns from the past 6 months. So take a look back at 2019 so far, and make a list of all of the aspects, dynamics, behaviours that you are finished with. Complete those patterns, feel the ties fall away, release the obligations. It is time to liberate yourself! Can I get an AMEN?!

Today also marks the New Moon, which is a time for beginnings. So take a look at the next (possibly big and scary) steps, the ways you want to step up, the ways you’d like to adjust your course…

Ask yourself:
What would it take to make this happen?
What would I need to embrace to flow with this?
How could I...

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