What is beginning to bloom inside of you? 

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying the eclipse energy, and feeling grounded by Taurus season! 

Because we are between eclipses, I have been doing a lot of healing and meditating on what is evolving within me now, and ways that I am being prepared for the next 6 months and beyond. 

The image/message I keep receiving is on expansion of energy, and allowing it to  move beyond my own contained space, and into the further collective, and our evolution within humanity.

Pluto is now in Aquarius, which connects us with the wider world, and changes that shape a generation. This pulls us out of our smaller issues, and shines light on the collective, so that we are able to heal, not only for ourselves, but also for the wider world, the planet, and everything on this earth. 

I've been shown the growth of flowers and trees over time, and how nature builds, not from reaction and pain, but from a place of higher intelligence and understanding. And we can grow...

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Do you follow fear, or Understand who you Are?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are benefitting from the power of the recent eclipses this Scorpio Season!

My personal meditations and ceremonies over the past 5 weeks have been profound, because I designed them to be. I know that eclipses open portals, doorways, and possibilities. So I have allowed myself to sit within the vortex, so that I can become...

During my own meditation a few weeks ago, I was shown my Solar Plexus, the seat of ego, identity, confidence, self-worth. In the shadow of this energy centre, we follow our fears, telling us that we are less than, weak, wrong. Or we witness the truth of who we really are, beyond the labels, projections, and judgements, and step into alignment with our higher aspects and Dharma.

I was shown my Solar Plexus as a sun, which I have witnessed before. But then I expanded out, and saw that there was not only 1 star, but a galaxy of stars, spinning and moving in a spiral. The message I received was that I am not one...

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When you feel hindered, how do you find your way?

Do you follow fear, or your future?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are navigating this eclipse season with some grace! The energy has been pretty intense over the past few weeks, and we have a few more to go before eclipse season draws to a close.  And in the spirit of using what is present to our advantage, I have an idea for you to lean into and consider...

The obstacle is the way.

This idea came to mind when | was teaching a workshop recently, and it has been present in my awareness since then. It comes from Roman Emperor and Stoic Philosopher, Marcus Aurelius. He wrote, "The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting. The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way." 

Over the past few weeks, I have been confronted with my oldest insecurities so that I can work through them and heal them. I had the privilege of meeting a favourite poet last weekend, and instead of fully...

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Do you know what you were built for?

Edge of Eclipse

On Tuesday, we connect with the first eclipse of 2, in Scorpio, with a Scorpio New Moon.  A partial solar eclipse, reducing the light from the sun, with a dark new moon. This is an opportunity to release the past and uncover, remember, rediscover deeper truths within...

One of the concepts I have been pondering and refining for awhile now centers around Purpose or Dharma, and more specifically, what we are built for.

I believe that each of us has chosen to exist here in this lifetime, this plane, for various reasons. I also believe that we did not come without a plan, or arrive 'empty-handed'.

Imagine that you are planning a journey, one of importance, that would have an impact, both on yourself, and the lives your journey intersects with.

There would be many reasons for the endeavor, and because of its importance, you would prepare yourself. You would not begin without some knowledge of timing, terrain, or potential obstacles you could face....

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Are you avoiding endings, or celebrating what is to come?

The Closing of Eclipse Season: Practicing Resurrection

Hello alchemists and travelers! I hope that you have been navigating this eclipse season with grace and gratitude.

The past few weeks have been powerful, and if you have been doing 'the work' along the way, the healing and insights gained will have a profound effect on your world.  Remember, the past 6 weeks have helped us to focus on what we value in our surroundings and daily experiences, as well as the deeper truths that motivate our choices and direction.  These effect our 'real world' choices, in a grounded and tangible way, so avoidance isn't really an option!  (Nor should we wish for it!)

One of the big themes of Scorpio (the eclipse last week) is Death and Endings, which understandably can stir up some tension and fear for those who hold suffering in connection with these.  But I would like to propose a new way of looking at these as we move towards a New Moon in Gemini (which helps us to...

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Is the story of your past Serving You?

Eclipses: Following Your Fate

The day before...

In less than 24 hours, the Full Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio begins.  And because you still have some time to prepare, I wanted to send a bit of information and some areas to address, enabling you to take full advantage of the power and potency in this moment of your life.

The Nodes are connect with our fate, destiny, our greatest threads and themes in this lifetime.  And this eclipse connects with the South Node, which highlights where we have come from, so that we can free ourselves from the old story and karmic cycles, and begin to create anew.


Over the next few days, spend some time meditating on the 'darker' sides of Scorpio, the aspects you've been afraid to acknowledge, the parts you've hidden away.  Scorpio deals with death, the taboo, sex, drugs, & rock and roll, our old shame and the ways we have been 'wrong'.  These aspects are deeply held and require courage to face.

If you can engage your courage...

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Are you allowing Flow to Direct you?

As I speak to clients and friends, the past few months have highlighted some common themes.  One of the biggest is a feeling, not of being lost, but lost-ish.  People haven't felt totally in the dark, but the way has appeared cloudy or blurred.  Either the next step feels unclear because it is new territory, (and there will always be some doubt in navigating the new), or because there are a few potential paths to follow, but the way doesn't seem obvious.

Instead of trying to find the perfect path, or stressing that you're going to lose your way, here is my advice to you:

Get Directionally Correct.

That's it.  If tomorrow isn't crystal clear, then simply decide which way you want it to go. 

If you want to move towards better health, make a plan that includes better food, more movement, less booze, more sun, or whatever combination would be useful.  

If you want to move towards understanding yourself, meditate, try new...

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Are you Seeking a High or Enlightenment?

I've spoken a lot recently about the ways we attempt to alter our own chemistry, so that we can feel different.  We drink, smoke, eat, walk, sleep, dance, sing, clean, and choose other activities in an attempt to feel better.  We know that some of these choices will up our Dopamine and Serotonin levels, so we pick things that feel easy and convenient to alter our states. 

Especially over the past few years, many of us have felt low, either frequently, or at some point, collectively grieving what we have missed, and the lack of shared experiences.  The problem is that often when we go too low, we over shoot, and seek out a high.

Highs are temporary, fleeting, and often come with a crash after-our bodies cannot sustain them, nor are we meant to live in them all of the time.  And highs are often pursued through unhealthy patterns, addiction, cravings, trying to fill a gap, and they never really satisfy.


So here is what I am proposing:

High is not...

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How can you Prepare for Fundamental Change?

Although we are a few weeks into Spring and a new astrological year, things may not feel as 'solid' or formed as we would like for them to be.  We have cardinal energy to inspire us, fire to ignite passion, and the Warrior/Aries energy to give us direction.

But we are also moving towards Eclipse Season (cue dramatic music!) ;)

Each year, I normally spend some time connecting with the eclipses, making plans that work with the energies present, and generally being aware of their effect.

This year is different.  This year, my focus keeps being drawn to the eclipses, and I have been feeling compelled to make them a focus for the year.


Here is just a little bit of info to give some clarity (we'll go deeper during eclipse season)-

The eclipses this year are on the Taurus/Scorpio axis.  So for those of you with a lot of energy in either sign, you're going to feel it!  And even if you don't, these transits will absolutely effect you too.

Taurus energy centres on...

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How do you create opportunities for Expansion?

Hello beautiful beings!  We are currently between 2 eclipses, and heading deeper into Sagittarius Season!  This week is an ideal time to shed old skins, masks, roles, identities.  And as you create spaciousness within, you gain clarity to choose what will support and nurture you over the coming season.

Take time this week to sit and breathe.  Connect with your body and emotions.  Seek the deeper meaning in what you feel and what you experience.  The answers are within.

If we fight against, we become small and fixed.  But this is a time to expand.  Allow yourself to expand your mind, and what you think you know.  This is how we learn.

Allow yourself to expand your heart and the ways you experience life.  This is how we learn to shift our emotional states and the way we feel in this world.

Allow yourself to expand your focus and the ways you view others around you.  This is how we see beyond what can be seen.


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